Amtrak,在settlementwith the U.S. Dept. of Justice over alleged violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), has agreed to design and construct changes in platforms, parking lots and other infrastructure at scores of its stations to comply with the law’s requirements.

该协议,司法部宣布Dec. 2, states that over the next decade, Amtrak will carry out design work for at least 135 stations to bring them into compliance with the ADA. The railroad has about 500 stations.



Fourteen “mega-stations”—including such major hubs as New York Penn Station and Los Angeles Union Station—remain subject to ADA requirements but are exempt from the settlement's 10-year timeline for repairs and improvements “due to their size and complexity,” the document states.

According to DOJ, the ADA, enacted in 1990, gave Amtrak until 2010 to get its facilities into compliance with the statute. But Eric Dreiband, assistant attorney general in charge of DOJ’s civil rights division, said in a statement that the railroad “failed or refused to comply” with the 2010 deadline “and Amtrak’s noncompliance with the [ADA] injured individuals with disabilities.”

Dreiband added, “Passengers with disabilities have waited long enough.”

Amtrakalso agreed to establish a $2.25-million settlement fund to compensate individuals who were “harmed by Amtrak’s lack of accessible transportation services” related to 78 stations with “significant accessibility issues.”

Those stations range from Montpelier, Vt., to Wishram, Wash.



Amtrak发言人Marc Magliari通过电子邮件说,该和解“建立在Amtrak长期以来的ADA合规工作的许多方面,不仅仅是站点的建筑合规性,还基于员工的培训,对[联邦铁路管理]有效监督和Amtrak执行官和薪酬对于某些车站不合规的某些乘客而言。”


ADA项新利18备用网址目于2020年在W.Va. Montgomery和密西西比州的Picayune完成。最近的新闻发布会

Eric Driband的姓氏的拼写被纠正,下午12/2/2020