
及时完成符合2021年11月的Vogtle Unit 3的商业运营日期(COD)所需的工作,这将代表这项长期困难的项目的重要,几乎奇特的转变。但是,根据最近提交给佐治亚州公共服务委员会的证词,这不是项目监视者认为会发生的事情。



– Georgia Public Service Commission monitors

“自2009年启动该项目以来,所有[综合项目时间表]迭代均过于激进和无法实现。”testimony11月24日由史蒂芬·罗特(Steven Roetger)和威廉·雅各布斯(William Jacobs)提交,该项目监视器为佐治亚州PSC工作。

“The history of the project has shown that the CODs projected by SNC (Southern Nuclear Company) have ultimately been required to be delayed,” the monitors continued, concluding that “there still exists a high likelihood of the COD not being achievable.”


尽管遇到了障碍,但佐治亚州的权力仍然公开承诺其时间表,如10月所指出testimonyjointly submitted by Georgia Power’s David McKinney, senior vice president, and Jeremiah Haswell, director of project oversight.

麦金尼和Haswell作证说,“尽管锅demic continues to impact the project, based on current information and projections, we believe that the project will be able to bring Unit 3 and Unit 4 online by the regulatory-approved in-service dates of November 2021 and November 2022.”

进一步的计划滑点可能会增加第3单元和4扩展的总项目成本。SNC目前估计为171亿美元,滑板可能会增加约20亿美元。唐·格雷斯,Vogtle Monitoring Group的副总裁。

A Different Approach

Both PSC staff monitors and Grace fault the utility’s focus on major milestones rather than percentage of completion, number of finished pre-operational tests and completed work packages.


“We do not believe that the accomplishment of major milestones in isolation is an appropriate way to gauge the overall progress of the project. Metrics including construction percent complete,” argue staff monitors Roetger and Jacobs, and the “… number of preoperational tests completed and number of systems turned over to operations provide a more comprehensive and better indication of the overall status of the project.”




Testing should await completion of concrete and steel work, said Grace.

In testimony submitted to the PSC on Nov. 24, Grace criticized SNC’s approach to construction for the continuing delays, asserting that “a primary root cause of poor productivity and production is due to SNC’s strategy of accelerating testing prior to completion of civil work and a greater degree of the bulk construction commodities which then leads to inefficient and costly execution of construction.”



Wire pulls were a concern. “VMG believes that the extensive use of ‘partial releases for test’ … in many cases to support a nearer-term schedule milestone, can lead to pulling and terminating single cables versus doing bulk pulls of all cables,” resulting in multiple cable runs along a single route, requiring more worker hours.




“Project leadership acknowledges that our expected case for Unit 3 is challenging and Unit 4’s site work plan is aggressive,” stated SNC CEO Stephen Kuczynski, and Aaron Abramovitz, vice president of Plant Vogtle.

But the leaders “continue to believe that working toward a challenging schedule is necessary to maintain the focus and drive of the project, identify and mitigate risks early, and ultimately support the project’s objective of meeting the regulatory-approved in-service dates for Units 3 and 4.”


见证由PSC财务总监Tom Newsome领导的一组财务分析师团队提交了这一点。



Notably, once units are online, a prudency review by the Georgia PSC could disallow certain costs, reducing the amount Georgia Power could charge its customers.