

项目所有者纽约和新泽西州港口管理局的计划主任马克·帕格利埃蒂(Mark Pagliettini)说:“枢纽分支机构到处都是。”“当纪念建筑商需要回填和塔式起重机时,我们协调了所有这些。”船员不仅建造由圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)设计的禽类主题码头,而且还在为纪念馆的机械/电气室,停车位和其他设施工作以下工作,直到最后一刻才知道,直到最后一刻。

Bids and 'Bathtubs'

In 2008, the port authority revised its construction-manager general contract with Phoenix Constructors, a joint venture of Skanksa USA Civil Northeast, Granite Construction Inc., Fluor Corp. and Bovis Lend Lease. By then, the original $2.1-billion cost for the hub had risen to $3 billion.

That year, a joint venture of Tishman Construction Corp., now a unit of AECOM Technology, and Turner Construction Co. came aboard for construction-management support services for the port authority.

菲尼克斯(Phoenix)与港口管理局(Port Authority)的监督竞标分包合同,完成了价值约10亿美元的工作,包括扩展现有的“浴缸”保护WTC免受哈德逊河的保护,为新的塔楼基础和集线器创造了空间。

The 1,000 ft x 350 ft "east" bathtub, as deep as 75 ft, is separated by the existing "west" bathtub by the No. 1 line subway structure. It involved some 700,000 cu yd of excavation and was built with reinforcing cages. Crews poured slurry mix into the cages, with multistrand tiebacks anchored into the wall's sides, says Gary Winsper, Skanska senior vice president.


Tutor-Perini, working under a $213-million contract, excavated through those temporary piles in increments and worked on alternating 50-ft sections to maintain stability while pouring concrete slabs beneath the subway line. This spring, the team transferred the structural box onto its permanent support slab.

然后是路径站工作。去年,加利福尼亚州沃森维尔的Skanska和Granite Construction赢得了一份5.42亿美元的合同,以建造新的路径站。这项工作需要放置63,000立方英尺的铸造混凝土和10,000吨加固钢,以建造四级夹层和枢纽的平台,36英尺深,位于第1号Subway Line的结构箱以西。

Hidden by plywood walls, crews toil just feet from the 70,000 daily users of the temporary PATH station, which the team eventually will demolish for the new one. They also work side by side—and below and above—DCM Erectors, which holds the $338.8-million contract to fabricate and erect 22,305 tons of structural steel for the hub's below-grade sections, including the transit hall, the permanent underpinning of the No. 1 subway box and Greenwich Street, and walkways to other WTC stops.