Pennsylvania's governor and legislative leaders have agreed on a temporary budget strategy that will allow the Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation to continue with hundreds of road and bridge projects through February. While the move also eliminates the need to borrow up to $600 million to keep the agency afloat, new projects are on hold until a longer-term strategy is worked out.


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州运输部长Yassmin Gramian于11月23日告诉州立法者,尽管自大流行的早期阶段以来,燃料税收据就已经有所反弹,而该州的高速公路交通量暴跌,但Penndot仍然面临至少5亿美元的差距。

A three-week suspension of all but emergency highway and bridge work, part of a March shutdown of non-essential government offices, increased costs by approximately 2%, Gramian said.

一些议员批评PennDOT 11th-hour appeal for help, but Gramian said the agency had reallocated existing funds throughout the year. The reallocations were made to cover costs in anticipation of receiving some form of federal assistance to mitigate the pandemic’s sustained effects on the agency's strained budget. Waning prospects for any stimulus funding from Congress in the near future have left few options for managing the cash flow crunch, Gramian said, other than suspending design and construction work until next July, when a new fiscal year begins, and laying off several thousand employees.



11月初,Penndotannounced a program这将利用公私合作伙伴关系来设计,建造和维护全州20至30年的特许权协议的选定桥梁。完成的结构上的电子收费将为改进付费,任何超额收入都适用于周围地区的其他道路和桥梁项目。新利18备用网址

This story was updated with new information on Dec. 2.