
The officials have postponed until next summer a key decision on how to proceed with the reconstruction of the turnpike in the city’s Allston neighborhood, a key chokepoint into the city for both commuter and rail traffic.

State officials are faced with the choice between two main alternatives, replacing a stretch of highway on an aging, mid-1960s viaduct in need of repair with a new span of roadway at grade along the Charles River, or simply replacing the viaduct with a new one.

That, in turn, will have a major impact on the start of construction, Stephanie Pollack, the state’s transportation chief, told board members of the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation.

State officials are faced with the choice between two main alternatives, replacing a stretch of highway on an aging, mid-1960s viaduct in need of repair with a new span of roadway at grade along the Charles River, or simply replacing the viaduct with a new one.

Those officials indicated they see strong support among “stakeholders” and other members of the public for removing the viaduct and proceeding and replacing it with at-grade highway lanes along the river.

Supporters of the at-grade option contend it would help reconnect the city with the waterfront along the Charles, with the viaduct and the elevated stretch of Turnpike having acted for decades as a giant barrier.

But further analysis is needed, as well as a clearer plan for financing the project. The delay would also align the choice state transportation officials are calling the “preferred alternative” with the filing of key piece of required state environmental paperwork, slated for mid-2021.



设计、采购过程不会踢off until mid-2023, while the design-build process wouldn’t move forward until mid-2024.

However, state transportation officials have not ruled out the option of simply repairing the current viaduct, which Pollack calls “Plan B.”


Pollack在讨论维修选项时指出,它可以延长高架桥的寿命,再延长10 - 15年。至少,如果批准和融资其他两种主要选择,包括重建高速公路AT级和完全摆脱高架桥,这将使国家运输官员获得后卫。

级计划显然是最受欢迎的选择ion, with the vast majority of the more than 500 comments state transportation officials received on the issue during a public review period backing the at-grade plan.

The support was strong enough to stop state transportation officials from instead forging ahead with plans to build a new viaduct, which Pollack acknowledges is unpopular.




But Rick Dimino, president of a business-backed nonprofit, A Better City, and a long-time champion of eliminating the viaduct and rebuilding the turnpike in Allston at-grade, was critical of what he contends is an unnecessary and potentially costly delay.


Dimino contends state transportation officials should be able to both pick the at-grade option as the preferred alternative and move ahead with financing and environmental permitting plans at the same time.

By delaying, state officials run the risk of not being prepared to take advantage of a likely infrastructure proposal from the new Biden Administration after it takes the reins in January.

“We need proactive action to position this project for a Biden infrastructure bill,” Dimino said. “It is just smart government. You want to put Massachusetts to be first in line with some really good ways to use that money.”