
A construction project starts well before the first shovel breaks ground, and its margin can be won or lost in this early stage. Preconstruction is becoming widely recognized as the most critical phase of a project when it comes to protecting margins, with contractors and owners alike increasing their focus and investment in project planning and design. When executed well, it can set the tone for your company’s success on future projects for years to come.



This Benjamin Franklin quote lends timely support to the rising importance of preconstruction and the critical role precon data plays in setting your projects up for success. No matter what phase of the construction life cycle you’re in, the global pandemic has fast-forwarded the requirement of digitization and a single source of truth, maximizing productivity for project teams and enabling the ability to work from anywhere.

Robust project data sets, connected platforms, and real-time insights are powering the next wave of digital transformation in our industry. The companies that are able to effectively capture, extract, and analyze project data across a project’s life cycle will make better real-time decisions, differentiate themselves from the competition, and attain a higher profit potential.


您生成的项目洞察力取决于您输入和收集数据开始的标准化。数据需要准确。它需要实时捕获,并且需要完整 - 这意味着不要在多个电子表格中孤立或陷入不相互交流的不同技术解决方案中。如果您没有查看所有数据,那么您也可能不会看。



将来,项目估计不会从头开始。承包商将能够通过将实际成本与估计联系起来,以推动对未来工作的更明智的决策来完成数据旅程。新利18备用官网登录这个未来要求项目团队喜欢使用的单个平台上管理项目数据的生命周期。生成的输出仅与提供的输入一样好 - 这意味着您的团队的买入和采用工具对于捕获所需的广泛的准确数据输入至关重要,以提取影响利润率的关键见解。

Capturing consistent and accurate data is also integral to leverage key enhancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These advancements in technology are only as smart as the data and direction they are given. It’s critical that data is accurate, complete, and comprehensive so that the insights these engines can provide are accurate and action oriented. Without an integrated platform that bridges the data connections across life cycles and provides solutions your teams are willing to adopt, you’ll never be able to leverage the power of real-time, data-driven decision making. Over the next three years, simply running lean and efficient will no longer make contractors competitive alongside companies operating on platforms with data-driven insights.

The future of design, planning and preconstruction is enabling the unlocking of a project’s complete data journey, with actual data driving inputs for future pursuits. Real-time insights and robust data sets will sit at the forefront of all decision making, and drive new profit potential as companies put emphasis on future-proofing their projects before the construction phase has even begun. These values are inherently tied to the foundation of what a platform can offer and the companies who are able to connect these data silos will thrive in their preconstruction process and this next wave of digital transformation.

作为Procore产品高级副总裁,怀亚特·詹金斯(Wyatt Jenkins)负责理解和承担客户的建筑挑战。