


Overall, FRA says that railroads’ latest self-reported quarterly submissions show that on one key benchmark, PTC systems were operating or in advanced field tests on 99.6% of the 57,537 route miles subject to the federal requirements.

In the third quarter, railroads activated PTC on an additional 468 route miles, raising their combined completion level by 0.8%.


Amtrak said that as of that date, it had the safety systems operating on its mainlines that are subject to the PTC mandate, closing the final small gap during the period.


“Full implementation of PTC is in sight, owing to everyone’s unparalleled cooperation and determination," said FRA Administrator Ronald L. Batory, in a statement. “Once complete, railroads, rail workers and rail passengers will all benefit from this transformational accomplishment in railroad safety.”



NJ Transit, a major commuter line to New York City, said it has made gains since its third-quarter report that showed it had PTC in field tests, or revenue service demonstration status, on only about 48% of its route mileage as of Sept. 30.

NJ Transit发言人吉姆·史密斯(Jim Smith)在11月18日的电子邮新利18备用件中告诉ENR,“铁路系统”“继续与FRA紧密合作,因为我们将PTC项目推进了12月31日的全面实施。”



According to a Parsons document prepared for the board briefing, five of NJ Transit’s 14 lines had not yet completed extended field tests as of Nov. 12. Its Lehigh Line entered the revenue field tests Nov. 11.


帕森斯的文件说,最后两个较小的线路,即大西洋城和南部,在12月初正在进行收入测试。帕森斯项目官员也告诉Northjersey.com 11月12日在新泽西州共享铁路线的Amtrak的互操作性测试“到目前为止取得了成功”。

PTC is a safety system that combines on-board and wayside equipment and devices that can automatically regulate train speeds and help prevent collisions or derailments.


In 2008, Congress passed legislation to require PTC installation by the end of 2015. But as that date neared, it was clear most railroads would miss the deadline. Congress set a new endpoint of Dec. 31, 2018, and allowed FRA to grant extensions, but only through the end of 2020.