The rush to move COVID-19 vaccines through development, testing, production and global distribution has pharmaceutical and R&D firms and their industry designers and builders rushing to maximize space and productivity. New announcements in November by pharma giant Pfizer and biotech startup Moderna Therapeutics of successful early test results are accelerating the pace.

Any imminent virus vaccine manufacturing looks set to take place in existing facilities, although some of these facilities are recently built or still under construction.


It’s more likely that pharma companies will turn to production partners and contract manufacturers and repurpose production lines to meet what will be huge demand. It’s possible to build onto existing plants, the Pfizer spokesperson says, although there are no current plans to do so.


发言人表示,它将提高现有空间中的生产能力,以提供任何潜在的病毒疫苗 - 目前仍在评估其目前的候选人。获得监管部门的批准,辉瑞和德国合作伙伴Biontech将于年底产生5000万剂,在2021年将达到13亿剂。

Vaccine components will be manufactured at Pfizer plants in Puurs, Belgium; Chesterfield, Mo.; and Andover, Mass.; with assembly in Kalamazoo, Mich. The drug firm has been active in adjusting its manufacturing portfolio over the last decade, investing $465 million at the Michigan plant—part of a planned $5 billion U.S. capital projects investment, observers say.

German pharma firm CureVac is in advanced testing of a vaccine, with apparent support from U.S. manufacturer Tesla Inc. The two firms share a ribonucleic acid (RNA) bioreactor patent application, and Tesla has posted hints about building “RNA microfactories” for CureVac.

CureVac now has four protocol-ready manufacturing facilities at its Tübingen headquarters, the most recent under the general planning direction of Koppenhöfer+Partner, Stuttgart with Klett Ingenieur subcontracted for technical equipment. The European Investment Bank in July extended $85 million in financing to CureVac, part of which was intended to speed up work on its latest plant.

CureVac—which did not respond to requests for comment—has its immediate capacities in place.

UK Effort


Ground work got underway in April near Oxford, England, on a 75,300 sq-ft site called the Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Centre. It will boast state-of-the-art drug development labs but also robust manufacturing capabilities.

Construction is proceeding under general contractor Glencar Construction, with the facility to come on line in 2021 to produce about 70 million doses of vaccine. Funding includes $86 million in UK federal funding and in-kind contributions from Janssen-the European unit of Johnson & Johnson, and from Merck and GE Healthcare; vaccine R&D is being done by Oxford University, Imperial College and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.



Design-build giant Jacobs confirms expedited work on an AstraZeneca plant retrofit in West Chester, Ohio, to upgrade an idle production line for COVID-19 vaccine. John Noble, head of Jacobs’ life sciences unit, declines to provide further detail on the scope or value of the EPC contract, citing client contract terms, but says design and construction that would normally take 12 to 18 months was done in three. “We had the client in the room with the project team from day one,” he told ENR. “The job “wasn’t a massive project, but important.”



Ready Retrofit

Design-Builder CRB必须在密歇根州大急流城(Grand Rapids)筹集6000万美元的填充设施,去年春天,合同制造商Grand River Ascectic Manufacturing(GRAM),该病毒受到命中,该工厂被注视着支持疫苗。CRB高级项目经理杰西·亚当斯(Jesse Adams)说:“确实必须加快一些要素。”


John Wichelt, vice president of client pharmaceutical services, says GRAM has a contract with the U.S. government, under its Operation Warp Speed vaccine program, for the facility’s full capacity for one year. Production has begun at the plant to make the vaccine, now in clinical trials, by GRAM’s contract partner, Johnson & Johnson.

阅读更多about how vaccine production is bringing aseptic manufacturing and EPC firms into the limelight.



Fast-Track对于Moderna和Massachusetts的Wise Construction来说并不是什么新鲜事物,该建筑于2018年在33周内完成了这家初创企业目前在马萨诸塞州诺伍德的前宝丽洛伊工厂现场的200,000平方英尺临床生产工厂。
