Boylston Marker Project (Marathon Memorial)
Project of the Year Finalist and Best Project

Owner:City of Boston
Lead Design Firm and Prime Consultant:Stantec
总承包人:McCourt Construction
Sculpture Artist:Pablo Eduardo
照明设计:LAM Partners Inc. | Architectural Lighting Design

The Boston Marathon bombing in April 2013 was a national tragedy that continues to resonate, particularly for Bostonians. The three who died are now forever remembered in a memorial at the iconic Boylston Street finish line, where the bombings occurred. Working with victims’ families, city officials and local artists, the project team delivered a striking set of markers—one at each of the two bomb sites.

Four years after the bombing, a committee of city officials and victims’ family members selected a concept by Gloucester, Mass.-based artist Pablo Eduardo. After award of the project, Eduardo retained Stantec to provide design, graphics, permitting, contract documents and construction administration services.

Stantec的高级校长鲍勃·康宁(Bob Corning)表示,在选择之后,团队与家人合作进一步完善了设计。最初,他说,设计需要更高,更突出的花岗岩柱。他回忆说:“这些家庭担心这些结构太过了,也没有与街道背景融为一体。”“因此,我们重新开始,生成的产品比原始设计要好。它非常强大。”

Eduardo says the work of the design and engineering team was an essential part of the memorial development process, particularly with input on how the design relates to its context, while also providing practical advice related to buildability, permanence and maintainability. “The final design was far superior than what I would have developed myself,” he says.


这些标记包括三个互锁的花岗岩柱,它们已被拉开 - 一个位于一个地点,另一个位于另一个地点,代表了在轰炸中丧生的三寿。尽管是分开的,但设计表明标记是隐喻的。花岗岩来自与受害者有联系的地点:富兰克林公园,眼镜岛和波士顿大学桥。

沿着街道边,四个雕塑螺旋出生ze and lighted cast-glass columns rise up around each of the marker sites. The columns range in height from 18 ft to 22 ft, consistent with the scale of the existing street lighting. The columns’ LED lights can be adjusted to change color and intensity. “Scenes” can be programmed to animate lighting patterns, says the submission. The lights can be controlled remotely from City Hall.


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螺旋灯灯具由青铜带组成,它们在玻璃管周围扭曲和包裹。沿着每个灯的高度,青铜部分和材料空隙在大小和位置各不相同。When analyzing the structure, the irregular geometry of the bronze bands could not be approximated as a standard shape. To model the bronze bands, structural engineers created a custom-coded programming routine, which took section cuts of the 3D model at 1-in. increments. These sections could be exported to Excel as geometric properties. Engineers could then use the geometric data and section properties in their analysis calculations to evaluate the stresses at each location and verify structural adequacy.


One Best Projects judge was impressed by the “architectural and artistic design and integration with the community, but also the importance to a city as a monument. It’s not only a piece of architecture—it’s something that impacts so many people in the community and the world.”

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