
Carl Galioto.Carl Galioto.

In New York City, there’s a big shift to public private partnerships and design-build “for many significant public projects” like those owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the New York state Dormitory Authority and the city’s Dept. of Design and Construction, says Galioto. “A lower capital contribution to the projects by the public sector” is one reason, he says. Design-build also “offers clients a much higher degree of certainty of cost and schedule” and can make for easier project management.

“对于负责遵守预算和时间表的单数综合实体,大多数挑战都是”在该实体内部。他承认有风险,特别是对于大型项目,特别是当提交的一笔金额付款时“基于早期设计文件”。新利18备用网址但是“向前看的客户......了解到最终,他们将通过减少在竞争期间更慷慨的津贴的设计建设者的风险来实现价格和质量的最佳平衡,并允许规定的总和......满足client’s target price later.”