tUtor Perini Corp.在2020年的前9个月中增加了其营业利润和净收入,远远超过2019年,当时加利福尼亚承包商预订了与项目相关的巨大损失,并写下了某些资产的价值。

While minimizing its coronavirus pandemic costs, the publicly-traded company (TPC-NYSE) this year has sailed along with cash-generating projects, disputed invoices settled in its favor and help from tax breaks incorporated in pandemic financial relief legislation passed by Congress in March, according to its latest financial reports and company statements.

导师佩里尼(Perini)报告说,2020年的前9个月的净收入为7300万美元,收入为40亿美元,而去年同期则为3.33亿美元,收入为33亿美元。首席执行官罗纳德(Ronald Tutor)在11月4日在投资分析师的电话会议上,该公司的土木和建筑部门的表现特别出色。

除了以导师佩里尼(Perini)的名义进行的工作外,该公司还经营着几个著名的承包商,包括基础设施公司Lunda Construction和建筑承包商Rudolph&Sletten。据报道,八月,导师佩里尼(Perini)完成了6亿美元的再融资,以4.25亿美元的期限贷款和17500万美元的循环信贷协议结束。



– Ronald N. Tutor, CEO, Tutor Perini


Most public works agencies have agreed to reimburse Tutor Perini for virus-related costs, including direct costs such as layoffs and sick leaves. It is unlikely the company will be reimbursed for virus-caused delays, he added.


老师说,直到2021年第二或第三季度,该公司的主要重型科维尔分部才能获得新的重大奖项。之后,“我们可以更好地解决如何以及何时更换主要作品的积压,” Tutor补充说。


tax Code Change Saves Millions


Under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed in March, Congress opened a way for companies whose allowable tax deductions are greater than their taxable revenue to apply the deductions over more prior years than previously permitted. Known as net operating loss carrybacks, the measures help companies smooth out volatility in their taxable earnings.

现在的收益尤其有价值,因为在过去的几年中,国会在2017年通过的公司税大大削减 - 税率明显更高。因此,现在可以将其重新考虑到2017年之前的几年,当时公司利率为35%。目前的利率为21%。

导师佩里尼(Perini)首席财务官加里·史密尔利(Gary Smalley)表示,该公司能够将2020年第三季度欠税的税款减少到37,000美元,而2019年同一季度的税费为560万美元。

Because of the CARES Act, for the most recent quarter, "we had a very nominal income tax expense," said Smalley.
