在过去的几年中,机器人公司波士顿动力公司(Boston Dynamics)的充满活力的四倍机器人位置已成为建筑工作的奇怪景象,因为多次飞行员努力试图找到最适合自主的机器人狗。但是,现场正在采用最具体的措施进入该行业,这是一个启动版本,其官方的三杆激光扫描有效载荷旨在轻松在工作现场部署。

波士顿Dynamics的建筑技术经理Brian Ringley说:“建筑领域中的许多客户都在寻找开箱即用的功能。”借助机器人制造商和Trimble的新集成软件包,“您可以获得机器人和传感器来提供最终价值,因为最终用户不必做任何特别技术才能实现它的事情。”

The version of the Spot robot set to be offered by Trimble and Boston Dynamics will come with a Trimble SP986 GNSS antenna for positional accuracy and navigation as well a Trimble X7 laser scanner to document a construction site autonomously. The Spot robot and its payload of instruments can be controlled and configured via Trimble Field Link layout software, and the data collected then flows back into Trimble’s cloud platform.

“The offering is quite different from the off-the-shelf version of Spot,” says Martin Holmgren, Trimble general manager for building field solutions. “It’s similar to any Trimble product, fully backed by our software. With the Field Link interface, any user of total stations will be familiar with it enough to control the robot and support existing workflows.” Users will be able to load in the capture data from Spot directly into the project’s 3D BIM file, all within the Field Link tablet app.

While most of the deployments of the Spot robot on jobsites so far has been in building interiors, Holmgren says that the Trimble-branded Spot will be able to work outdoors on large civil projects as well. “On the civil side where they are moving dirt around, that’s the primary users of GNSS,” he says. Spot will be integrated into Trimble Siteworks, where can be used to track progress on earthmoving jobs.

The Spot robot, with its ability to traverse cluttered jobsites as well as climb and descend stairs, can capture laser scans and location data in a more consistent way than a human surveyor. And since Spot is able to work without direct supervision, it allows for regular scans of jobsites during off-hours. “With Spot, we’ll be able to collect more data, better data, up-to-date data,” explains Holmgren. “That way when the team arrives, the dog can have been out in the morning or the night before, and we have the data already collected for the day’s work.”


According to Ringley, having more than a few Spot robots out in the world stumbling around construction sites for the last couple of years has brought Boston Dynamics a lot of key performance data on navigating these complex sites. “We feel like we are turning the tide. We’ve learned a lot from our early adopters,” he says. “The robot is getting more and more effective in these environments.”

Holmgren says that rather than invest in yet another proof-of-concept for autonomous robots on the jobsite, the Trimble version of Spot is very much a final product that can contribute right away. “With this, you are getting the full benefits of the data,” he says.

As site capture data from Spot begins to flow in, the return on investment begins right away, says Holmgren. “The real benefit is for the folks on the back end of the construction process—folks in project management tools, ERPs, scheduling tools, 5D tools,” he explains. “We bring the data in and compare progress, compare the information with where it was expected to be [in order to] make better informed decisions.”

波士顿动力公司卖特林布尔-一说branded Spot isn’t the only way the company is looking to get their little robot into the industry, but for now it’s the most obvious path forward. “It’s a big ecosystem, and there lots of other ways you could use the robot,” he says. “But this offers a great shot at getting to the end value.”

波士顿Dynamics将继续将标准版本的现场版本出售给建筑市场,所有开放软件开发套件和API都为想要建立自己的用例的公司提供。目前,Bare Spot Robot具有30磅的有效载荷能力和两个集成的有效载荷导轨,可用于安装设备和设备。两个有效载荷端口可以为机载设备供电,并提供指向点机器人的数据链接。标准位带有两个电池和90分钟的运行时间。计划明年发布一个自付码头。

The Spot Robot的Trimble集成版将于2021年第二季度通过Trimble,Boston Dynamics和Select BuildingPoint和Sitech Distriencation Partners,美国,加拿大,英国,欧洲联盟,澳大利亚,新西兰和日本。

