Roger Johnson, airport program executive at Jacobs, has over 45 years of construction, construction management, program management, engineering, environmental management and planning experience. As former deputy executive director of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), the city authority that owns and operates Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Van Nuys Airport, he established its Airports Development Group that completed over $8 billion in capital improvements in seven years.

ENR senior transportation editor Aileen Cho asked Johnson for his thoughts on airport design and construction post-coronavirus. This interview has been edited and condensed.

You spoke on an Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) webinar [cosponsored by Airport Consultants Council and Associated General Contractors] on the challenges of COVID-19. What were the major takeaways from the webinar?


在许多情况下,使用减少我机场n operation to optimize improvements already underway. For example, Nashville was able to significantly expedite a terminal renovation project by working with the contractor to re-phase the project. A terrazzo replacement project that had approximately 21 phases was now being done in one phase. Austin airport has taken this opportunity to completely renovate its outbound baggage system.

The pandemic has resulted in many airports reassessing their CIPs. However, we did not hear of any airports completely canceling one In many cases, the airports are reassessing the sequence and schedule of implementing certain projects based on demand and current operations. Many airports reported that they are looking at performing deferred airfield projects earlier than previously planned to take advantage of the reduction in operations. In the uncertainty of COVID-19 impacts and duration, airports are focusing on developing projections and “milestones” or “triggers” that will help them make decisions on when to initiate projects.

The last takeaway is that the pandemic has resulted in many airports and airlines working more closely together with respect to facility issues.

Is there anticipation of potential delays in future airport construction opportunities?

Jacobs has already seen some clients delay moving forward with some capacity enhancement projects that are in planning. There appears to be a consensus that aviation will rebound. However, there is also a consensus that the recovery will probably not look like any recoveries we have experienced over the past 20 years. As we look at impacts due to 9/11, SARS, H1N1 and the recession, we can see a fairly consistent recovery pattern. No one has an idea yet of what the global and national recovery pattern is going to look like this time. As a company, I would say that what we are seeing is a shift in construction opportunities from capacity-enhancing to more opportunistic projects taking advantage of the current reduction in operations. As the country opens up and aviation activity is better defined, we expect to see the balance shift back.

How will airports prepare for the potential medium- to long-term scenarios in terms of design and construction? What do you envision as possible scenarios?

There are so many factors that will ultimately impact the answer to this question. However, I believe there are a number of things that airports can and should be doing right now.




I believe the key to long-term scenarios is robust industry monitoring. It is going to take some time before any of us understand how aviation is going to respond long-term to this pandemic. Historical operations forecasts are no longer reliable indicators of when projects should be considered.

Are you seeing numerous, or just a few, cases of airport designs that are delayed in construction?

Each airport is responding differently. Some airports have delayed construction, while others are accelerating it. Others still are changing the nature of what they are doing. Austin, Texas has delayed the terminal element of its capital program but is accelerating other elements including enabling projects. LAX has accelerated construction of the Automated People Mover, giving the contractor almost unconstrained access to the Central Terminal Area roadway. Each airport is unique.

What are some potential technologies that could be implemented in post-pandemic airport design?



A serious question that will require some significant investigation is how we address social distancing requirements within existing facilities. Current metrics relative to factors such as “level of service” standards in hold rooms and such are going to have to be reevaluated and redefined.


Many of our clients are committed to existing critical projects and programs. While we see a shift in focus from expansion to rehabilitation and maintenance, many of our transportation infrastructure programs and projects are critical and have been sustained by government stimulus packages. We expect that future transportation-related stimulus will catalyze and drive economic recovery.