Help Us Investigate冠状病毒已经为建筑工作场所增添了新的复杂性,但是即将出现的更改即将到来。我们需要您的帮助来报告这些更改。




Then there is the broader policy issue for employers and the legal issues surrounding whether workers of any type can be required to have a coronavirus vaccine as a condition of employment.


The legal pot has been boiling on vaccines for years.

在过去,据小,labor and employment law firm, employees have claimed in lawsuits that mandatory flu vaccination requirements are unreasonable invasions of privacy. More recently, however, employers may face liability under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act or a state equivalent for failure to provide workplaces safe from COVID-19. On top of that, states are adopting different approaches to pandemic-related workers’ compensation coverage, with some extending benefits to certain classes of employees who become ill.

Do you face tough choices about vaccines in the construction workplace? Let us know with an email tokormanr@新利18备用,(在主题字段中使用“疫苗”一词)或在线上发表评论。我们将保留任何电子邮件,直到我们讨论您是否希望被引用为止。无论哪种情况,我们都重视您的输入。