Building out its project management platform further into preconstruction, Procore announced on Oct. 27 that it has acquired estimating software maker Esticom.

based in Austin, Texas, Esticom primarily serves construction estimators at specialty contractors, automating much of the takeoff and bid-preparation process. With more than 1,000 customers and roughly 1,600 users, the company has been expanding to general contractors and concrete contractors recently. Its software has had an integration with Procore’s project management software platform for the last year. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

Procore产品高级副总裁怀亚特·詹金斯(Wyatt Jenkins)说:“我们的系统中有所有这些数据,现在我们正在通过估计结束循环。”他指出,Procore的客户越来越多地要求他们的所有项目数据通过同一系统流入。他解释说:“他们希望我们进入前建构。”“他们希望他们在预构建中所做的所有工作能够流入其余的施工过程中。”

Esticom联合创始人兼首席执行官克里斯·李(Chris Lee)说:“我们的目标始终是进行估算和起飞,并在此做出最好的选择。因此,我们可以专注于进行起飞和估算,现在将这些数据推向Procore。”

Esticom’s software currently allows for companies to build out bid documents from takeoffs, saving time and reducing errors. Lee says that many estimators are still working across multiple point solutions to manage their bids and takeoffs, with plenty more still laboring away in Excel spreadsheets. “We wanted to do all the estimating and takeoff work in a single platform, and make sure we didn’t just build another point solution,” he explains. “The real magic is taking takeoff data and flowing it into estimating to creates the proposal.”




Lee说,但是仅将从构造到施工的数据匹配,就可以打开新的可能性。“与Procore集成的最大好处是在项目预算和成本控制中 - 您需要做的只会流过。成本代码,人工成本代码,材料都在那里。”
