
EPA on Oct. 22 finalized the rollback of a long-standing clean air rule, New Source Review, which requires a construction permit and possible new pollution controls if an industrial or power plant project hikes facility emissions under a two-part analysis.

最终的规则是在前行政长官斯科特·普鲁伊特(Scott Pruitt)领导下的2018年代理机构指导的最终规则,它简化了《排放审查》,EPA表示将有助于振兴工业运营的目标,其在特朗普政府期间对新的源评论规定的第九个更改。






The court had ordered EPA to strengthen, not weaken, the 2015 rule and to close unlined coal ash ponds, said Earthjustice, one group opposing the change. “The administration’s announcement opens the door to keeping some coal ponds open indefinitely that a court found should be closed to protect health, the environment and drinking water,” Lisa Evans, Earthjustice senior counsel, said in a statement.

Under the rule, unlined pits can remain open if a utility claims the soil beneath it is not porous and if certain chemicals are not polluting groundwater to a level above federal standards.


奥巴马政府在田纳西河谷管理局(Tennessee Valley Authority)燃煤工厂的一家无衬里的地面蓄水处发表了2015年的规定,并派出了超过10亿加仑的煤灰,这些煤灰悬挂在300英亩的水中,并进入了埃默里河。2014年,杜克能源蓄水池(Duke Energy)的蓄水量溢出了39,000加仑的煤灰和27,000加仑的废水进入北卡罗来纳州的丹河。

美国环保署将完成另一个回滚would drop an Obama administration requirement that coal plants set aside funds to clean up spills and pollution caused by coal ash. Earthjustice said the TVA spill cost more than $1 billion to clean up.

The agency on Oct. 14 asked for comments on another portion of the appellate court opinion, which remanded to EPA for reconsideration provisions of the 2015 rule that exempted inactive impoundments from the regulations.


In other EPA actions, the agency agreed to crack down on smog caused by oil and fracked gas operations in eight states under a consent decree approved Oct. 21 by a federal court in San Francisco.

It must enforce federal Clean Air Act rules relating to ozone in Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Virginia and in certain areas of Texas, Arizona and California, under the agreement with the Center for Biological Diversity.