“Ideas and solutions are the easy part,” says Ricardo Khan, senior director of innovation at Mortenson Construction. It’s “the process” that is the real challenge.

Khan’s midday keynote captured a key theme of the second day of the virtual新利18备用Enr FutureTech会议—the need to identify the problems in your construction process before you start throwing technology at them. Speakers across the day went deep into the details of digital twin models and scanning jobsites with robotic dogs, but all of them touched on the basic rule that you have to know what it is you are after before deploying new technologies.

麦肯锡公司的行业专家约书亚·约翰逊(Joshua Johnson)表示,肯定有问题可以解决建筑。


While there is a relatively low level of technology adoption, particularly among small and midsize construction firms, that creates opportunities for experimentation, says Johnson. “The level of digitization is low, but there is ton of white space out there for technology players to drive value in the construction industry.”

The potential for new technology to quickly take hold came up in a panel on “Digital Twin Models and AI for Owners of a Technology Campus Transformation.” Mani Golparvar, CTO of Reconstruct, and Shawn Mahoney, CEO and president of OAC Services presented about how going all in on a new approach can sometimes pay off.

Constantly Updating Model


Reconstruct’s model of a project reflected every change on site, documented through drones and other visual captures. OAS has used it while serving as owner’s representative on a massive Microsoft campus in Redmond, Wash., with 18 buildings on 72 acres, and Mahoney says it was crucial to keeping the project on track. It all came from a chance encounter with a Reconstruct demo. “When I saw this at FutureTech two years ago, I almost jumped out of my seat,” he says.

Reality capture itself has come a long way in the last decade, and firms are finding the real business cases for deploying it. Panelists for “Turning Smart Imaging Into Smart Actions” discussed specific technologies they are testing on construction projects. Josh DeStefano, Southwest VDC leader with DPR Construction, said that the company has been using SmartTrack, a StructionSite tool that captures field data using 360° cameras and automatically updates quantities of work using AI on three projects. An inspector walks the site with the camera on a tripod or hardhat.



Eric Law, senior director of technology and innovation at Swinerton, discussed the company’s yearlong experience with Spot,波士顿动力学的机器人“狗”走一个工地现场以360°相机和激光雷达canning. The results were more consistent, higher-quality data than when humans had to do the weekly walk, he said. It turns out the robot was far steadier than a human using the same instruments, and better able to perform captures from a consistent height off the floor. Law’s team even used Spot to record air-quality levels on the site.


Cultivating Innovation

And, as several presenters reiterated, real innovation is often more than just finding the right point solution. In his keynote, Ricardo Khan of Mortenson walked through his firm’s journey of cultivating innovation within the company. “We started with a centralized HQ model,” for innovation development, recalled Khan. But after a while the company realized that might be a bottleneck for new ideas. “We then moved into a distributed model, and allowed our businesses to take on those [new] processes, and we support them,” he explains. “It helped remove roadblocks [to adoption].”

And there was one last tip to deploying new innovations that Khan says is sometimes overlooked. “Don’t forget to talk to your legal and risk teams about IP [intellectual property] issues, it’s easy to forget that,” he says.