根据曼哈顿地区法院的一家特纳建筑公司(Turner Construction Co.赛勒斯·万斯(Cyrus Vance Jr.)


The latest guilty pleas came from Ronald Olson, former Turner vice president and deputy operations manager, and Vito Nigro, its account executive and project superintendent, as well as from Michael Campana, Bloomberg's former construction manager. Anthony Guzzone, former Bloomberg head of global construction, pleaded guilty in August; according to the DA’s office.

Turner was overseeing interior construction for Bloomberg offices at two Manhattan locations, where the scheme unfolded


The district attorney said Guzzone, Olson and Nigro pleaded guilty to first-degree grand larceny and each face three to nine years in state prison. Campana, pleaded guilty to third-degree money laundering and will serve one year in jail and pay $239,800 in restitution.

The four former executives have also been charged in federal court by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York for not paying taxes on the illegally obtained funds, the district attorney said. All but Nigro pleaded guilty to one count of tax evasion. Each charge is accompanied with up to five years in prison. Campana has already been sentenced to two years in federal prison and three years of supervised release and must pay a $10,000 fine.


The DA’s office did not provide any details beyond its press statement.



“特纳前雇员trayed our company, their fellow employees, and our core values of honesty and integrity,” a Turner spokesperson said in an Oct. 7 email. “Turner has actively cooperated with law enforcement throughout the investigation.”


City investigations and prosecutions of所谓的犯罪阴谋by individuals and firms in the sector date to the 1990s.