Industry Confidence IndexIt has been six months since the COVID-19 pandemic began to make itself felt across the U.S., and industry firms now are beginning to believe that the resulting market downturn will not begin to recover for another year. Further, industry executives believe that some market sectors will be a long time in returning to prosperity.




On the other hand, many industry executives believe the market will be back in a growth mode by the end of 2021. In the survey, 42% of respondents believe that the market will be growing in 12 to 18 months, compared with only 25% who believe it will still be in decline.

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Each quarter, CFMA polls 200 CFOs from general and civil contractors and subcontractors about markets and business conditions. The Confindex is based on four separate financial and market components, each rated on a scale of 1 to 200. A rating of 100 indicates a stable market, while higher ratings indicate market growth.

CFMA首席执行官斯图尔特·宾斯托克(Stuart Binstock)说:“ ConfIndex与上一季度的87评级保持不变。”与上一季度的71号相比,Confindex的“业务状况”部分也没有改变,这反映了对当前市场的关注。“财务状况”组成部分从99点增加到100分,而“当前条件”从83下降到79。


Binstock notes that CFMA’s Confindex survey also asked how long CFOs believed it would take for the market to recover from the COVID-19 downturn. Of the CFOs surveyed, 25.6% believed that the market is already beginning to recover and another 19.2% believe the market will be recovering a year from now. However, 47.2% said it would take one to three years to regain momentum, he says.

目前的市场前景正处于每个人的想法。在本季度的ConfIndex中,有49%的受访者表示,他们“非常担心”或“高度关注”对近期工作的可用性。“这标志着我们调查中首次将劳动力的可用性取代为首席财务官中最大的关注,”巴尔的摩经济顾问SAGE政策集团首席执行官Anirban Basu说。他指出,有40%的受访者表示,工作人员短缺是一个主要问题,低于前几个季度的80%范围。



