Federal officials have charged five small contractors with fraud related to loans obtained from a key COVID-19 small business rescue program—and more charges are likely as investigators dig deeper into the financial records of companies that took the funds.

美国助理检察官戴维·拉宾(David Rabin)于9月10日与记者进行了交谈,他说,所有行业中的57名被告都被起诉,他承诺继续扎根于迄今为止分配的5000亿美元分配中的一些收件人。

Distributed by the US Small Business Administration to employers who said they would use most of the money to keep staff on their payrolls, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has been a key element in the federal pandemic support for the economy.


其中之一是佛罗里达屋顶工凯西·克劳瑟(Casey Crowther),据称他花了近70万美元的资金购买了40英尺长的游船。联邦官员声称,克劳瑟(Crowther)在其申请中向一家金融机构发表了虚假陈述,该申请的屋顶屋顶和平板金属公司(Target Roof&Sheet Metal Inc.)的资金不到210万美元。

克劳瑟(Crowther)承诺在他的贷款申请中使用这笔钱来制造工资单,支付租金和公用事业并满足其他业务费用,但在收到这笔钱的几天之内,他以他以其名义注册的689,417美元购买了一辆新的双体船玛丽亚·查普·洛佩兹(Maria Chapa Lopez)在新闻稿中。

