所有者:Chec Port City Colombo PVT。有限公司
General Contractor:China Harbour Engineering Co. Ltd.

Monsoons and the often turbulent Indian Ocean did not stop construction of the first phase of Sri Lanka’s new Colombo Port City, a crucial future economic hub for the country. Crews completed work on a 269-hectare artificial island and related structures within 36 months, despite losing 18 months to impacts of monsoon season.

Port City, located between Dubai and Singapore, is intended to be South Asia’s premiere residential, retail and business destination, with more than 5 million sq m of built space within a meticulously planned urban area along the ocean’s warm waters. But the location also posed challenges related to wave motions.

基于波和水交换研究和3D物理模型测试,确定了复杂的设计波条件下项目的整体布局 - 例如来自不同方向的膨胀和风暴波。


设计经理Deng Tao说,船员建造了部分地由砂材料,岩石和互锁混凝土“荚”,该核心部分地由17吨的砂材,岩石和互锁混凝土“荚”。在CCCC-FHDI工程有限公司,领先项目设计师。


Within the 36-month construction period, the available time to build the land area formation was only 23 months due to monsoon season, with protective structures needed to be completed in only 18 months.

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