
When the project team faced a tight schedule to open the new facility, it developed a pioneering solution borrowed from bridgebuilding that could encourage greater use of precast concrete for building cores in New York City.


铁轨是经典终端的各种保存和恢复的功能,由牛津房地产集团(Oxford Properties Group)开发,特纳(Turner)建筑作为建筑经理和Cookfox Architects作为铅设计公司。

A project spokesman did not respond to a request to confirm the cost of the Google transformation, but in earlier media reports it was estimated at more than $1 billion.

New Construction Playbook

The task has required ensuring the existing structure could support loads from expanding to 12 stories of steel frame and cast-in-place concrete floors. That, along with two new high-rise elevator cores and the goal to open in 2022, meant the project team had to look beyond the traditional construction playbook, says Jim White, vice president on Oxford’s construction team.

成员包括结构工程师,核心承包商Rizzani de Eccher(RDE),钢铁和核心馆长都会大都会Walters和小组制造商泽西岛的预制,并合作采用了一种新颖的解决方案,这是一种与乐高风格的连接相匹配的预制混凝土式核心一个更具成本,更耗时的现场铸造选项。怀特说:“我们有一个创意团队以积极的方式团结在一起。”

The matching technique brings time savings and greater precision in fabrication and erection, he says. “We’re pressing the limits of precast to a higher level of tolerances,” White adds.

While using precast concrete sounds logical to achieve time savings, there was no suitable precedent in high-rise construction in New York, says Riccardo Castracani, an executive at RDE, which is actually a bridge contractor.


团队使用“匹配铸造、t的技术hat we use in bridges where one precast element is cast against a previous precast element,” Castracani says. “In that way, any casting problems or mistakes can be corrected with the next segment. So we never carry errors along with us. We always continuously correct, and that is how we keep everything within millimetric tolerances.”


The innovation in the match-casting process could greatly benefit the project and similar construction efforts, but it would need proprietary or patentable software to become a distinct product or investable concept, says Michael Spies, partner at Navitas Capital, a venture capital firm that invests in real estate and construction technology.


去年夏天,当没有核心设计出现在一起one knew it would be well-suited for the coronavirus pandemic, which brought construction to a standstill and restricted jobsite activity. For the terminal, disruptions ended up being minimal, and the project remains on schedule, White says.

One reason is that Jersey Precast was able to enact safe workplace protocols to keep panel fabrication on track, he explains. Also, to erect the precast panels, the onsite crew is only one-quarter of the size of a cast-in-place team, making it easier to create safe worker distances, says Robert Hubner, Turner’s project executive.

“If we had to have those 40- to 50-person crews in a tight confined space, we would have had a lot of constraints, and potentially big delays,” he says. “It was an unforeseen benefit.”

Demo and Design

牛津建筑总监布莱恩·贾菲(Brian Jaffee)说,旧的货运终端构成了一些挑战,从复杂的拆除任务开始。这项工作始于2019年初,包括从休斯顿街上的跨越建筑物拆除该结构,该团队拆除了该结构,以释放北部区域以进行另一个发展。他说,该团队还删除了前租户增加的五楼。怀特说,“手术”拆除以及临时支撑,在整个建筑物中创造了更大的横向稳定性,从而使工作能够在更快的轨道上进行。


Oxford assembled much of the same team that helped it build a 16-span segmented precast deck over railyards in Manhattan’s Hudson Yards development several years ago. The task at St. John’s was to build two separate 14-story precast cores, each of which will house fire stairs and 14 elevator shafts from the sub-level to the upper roof bulkhead.

“因此,我们使用了这个想法,”合成的校长巴里·查尔尼什(Barry Charnish)说。“这实际上是对分段预制方法的垂直堆叠,并在垂直和水平上进行后张紧。这与地下室的起动系统连接在一起,该系统是常规的现场铸造混凝土。”



That need for precision also applies to the core system’s interface with post-tensioning rods and couplers, structural steel link beams, floor steel and insert plates with deformed bar anchors, he says.

泽西岛预制校长阿米尔·乌里斯兰(Amir Ulislam)表示,这些严格的要求强调了核心系统的复杂性。他说:“建立这样的东西,它在两个不同的方向上被张开后,并在两个不同的方向上构造了匹配,也是两种不同的飞机。”“典型的桥细分部门的作业与一个平面或一个方向的东西匹配。这是一个额外的困难程度。”

The design also allows the system to carry the required loads, Ulislam says. “This job has about 380 pounds of steel per cubic yard of concrete,” he says. “In general, for structural concrete, the rule of thumb is about 150 to 200 pounds per cubic yard.”

Ulislam说,它有助于将融合的主要项目设计工程师David Stevenson和Tanya Luthi在码头和制造设施中现场。他补充说:“这些家伙确实在肩膀上检查和解决冲突的肩膀解决问题。”“他们会在几个小时内(有时几小时)提出的任何问题发出更改和指导。”


The precast core created significant time savings, shortening the construction schedule by two months thanks to many factors, Jaffee says. By stabilizing the building, the team won’t need to add a whole new bracing system to support upper-floor steel erection and decks, Charnish says. Interlocking precast elements also entail far less onsite welding and bolting than cast-in-place cores, and end panel finishes preempt need for drywall to cover installed pieces, he says.



贾菲说,节省最大的时间是一个简单的优势:借助预制面板,团队可以使用其钢铁馆长大都会沃尔特斯(Metropolitan Walters)组装核心。

他说:“这就是节省大量时间表的地方,以同一架设同时竖起核心和钢铁。”Metropolitan Walters负责人Dave Pisacrita说,这意味着现场交易更少,更大的工作测序效率,尤其是较少的塔架起重机。


Simple Advantage



The team also is using precast for stairs, elevator lobbies and infill slabs, which will save time and boost safety, allowing crews on steelwork and decks to avoid temporary ladders, Jaffee says. As the core system rises, it makes ongoing selective demolition safer by stabilizing the structure, White says.


怀特说,预制核心的另一个令人满意的元素是团队使用聚氨酯纯模具来创建形式的衬里 - 一种建筑饰面,使面板具有木板的质地。


That flourish fulfills the design team’s vision “to maintain the authenticity of the building and its original history as an industrial building,” White says. “Rather than hiding it, the core has become somewhat of a showpiece.”