
“Chicago’s lead service lines are a legacy issue we need to start meaningfully confronting by moving in the right direction in a responsible way,” Lightfoot said at a news conference announcing the program September 9. “The new Lead Service Line Replacement Program stands as our equity-forward approach to providing residents the support they need, all while providing a foundation to continuously building on our commitment to addressing this important issue for the long term.”

2021年,芝加哥计划替换将房屋连接到街头主电源的大约400,000条铅服务线中的750个。在市长理查德·戴利(Richard M. Daley)和拉姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)管理期间,主管被其他类型的管道所取代。



国会在1986年禁止了铅水管,但上一页ious mayors and the Chicago City Council have been reluctant to replace the service lines with Emanuel, Daley and, until recently, Lightfoot insisting that a corrosion-inhibiting chemical coating introduced into the water system for decades coated off the interior of the lead service lines and took care of the problem of lead leaching off of them and getting into drinking water.


弗吉尼亚理工大学教授马克·爱德华兹(Marc Edwards)显示如何在华盛顿特区和密歇根州弗林特的樱桃选择哪些房屋进行测试,这可能会产生不准确的图片,并没有表明真正违反了15-PPB标准的情况。爱德华兹(Edwards)在弗林特(Flint)的工作后,密歇根州的全州标准降至10 ppb。

爱德华兹说:“我们已经学会了艰难的方式,那就是没有人从铅管中喝水是安全的 - 我为芝加哥迈出了第一步,这将是一段漫长的旅程。”爱德华兹(Edwards)和他的来自弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)的团队在芝加哥进行了采样,尤其是在南侧,发现常规的冲洗不会像其他城市那样减少那里的领先优势。


Chicago conducts tests in just 50 homes every three years — the minimum required by the EPA. Most of the homes tested are owned by water management department employees or retirees living on the northwest and southwest sides. Results from some of Chicago's free testing kit program tests show lead-contaminated water has been found in at least one home in all 77 community areas in Chicago.

“The current structure of the rule compels additional protective actions on the part of a water system only after a potential problem has been identified, which may create a disincentive for utilities to identify potential problems with lead and copper in the drinking-water system,” the EPA said in the 2016 white paper.
