Oracle LogoWe’re increasingly learning about the benefits of collaboration, a common data environment (CDE), and partnering in the construction and engineering industry. It’s time for the more traditional and inefficient siloed approach to step aside.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Imagine a soccer game where the coaches, referees, and players each have conflicting goals, or where the offense was privy to information the defense couldn’t access. It seems ridiculous in this context, but this is exactly how construction projects have traditionally run.


When the right contracting model and systems are in place, everyone wins


Lendlease和Oracle Aconex


Lendlease是最早加入早期采用者计划(EAP)进行建筑信息建模(BIM)的公司之一。Oracle Aconex中的模型协调能力,一个创新的组织通常位于新技术采用的最前沿。

Lendlease已在Sydney Metro Martin Place integrated station development,世界上第一个实施新的BIM模型协调解决方案的大型项目。

Oracle Aconex建筑协作平台seamlessly integrated with Lendlease’s major desktop (design) applications, resulting in improved processes, efficiencies, and faster project delivery.

When the full project team doesn’t have access to the model, the organization noted that “it breaks the project team apart"; the exact opposite of the efficiencies generated by collaborative contracting, processes, and technology. Lendlease decided to unite their project team on both the project and the model.


得益于模型协调,现在可以通过模型进行交流的更大的利益相关者。Lendlease数字工程经理Eldad Asoulin说:“通过将Oracle Aconex平台与关键BIM设计工具和平台集成在一起,对总团队的效率有直接影响。”

For example, many project managers and principal engineers who worked primarily in 2D in the past have engaged with the models, unfolding a whole new world without the need to train anyone on a special system.

“甲骨文Aconex提供了一个熟悉的和可访问interface", says Asoulin. He explains that this level of coordination means that “the whole team is on the same page in understanding what the issues are.”

这whole team is on the same page


“Using Oracle Aconex, we are empowering everyone to raise issues directly in the system. Everyone has visibility into what the issue is, what action(s) need to be taken by whom, when it is assigned, and what the status is.”

-Lendlease数字工程经理Eldad Asoulin


True cross-organization collaboration


悉尼地铁马丁广场项目由一个地下车站和两座塔组成。“塔所有者麦格理(Macquarie)喜欢BIM功能,” Asoulin说。“ [所有者]热爱BIM具有创新性,并且[所有者]受益于提高其项目的可见性,质量和效率。”

“ Oracle Aconex中的建模功能已完全改变了我们协作的方式。整个团队的建模质量更高,一切都是如此透明。”

-Lendlease数字工程经理Eldad Asoulin

Benefits of model management to the owner


Asoulin说:“在Oracle Aconex中,所有所需的信息都可以访问。”“我们有一个新的信心。不用担心有人说已经做了某事,如果没有做任何事情。有完全的透明度和问责制。”


Oracle Aconex model management capabilities support Lendlease’s design change protocol.

For example, Lendlease proposed a design idea that amended a bullnose, resulting in decreasing the width of a passageway by over a meter. Everyone could see the implication and pedestrian flow in the passageway by reviewing the 3D model. The team made an informed decision in short order, and with confidence, thanks to the model.

Model Coordination incorporates the clash detection output into Oracle Aconex, facilitating task management through Oracle Aconex emails and communications.


现在,每年约有5万美元的AUD总额可以重新分配。Oracle Aconex协作可以实现更广泛,更有效的讨论 /审查,从而得出更快的分辨率。所有讨论和文档的记录均在协作平台中保存。


协调模型是一个耗时的手动流程,需要每个学科才能下载单独的模型并在外部3D模型审查应用程序中以协调为目的进行融合。使用Oracle Aconex,每周可能需要两到五个小时的时间才减少到几分钟模型协调

Viewpoint / issues creation

While not time-consuming, the traditional issue creation process is inherently prone to naming errors, duplication, and lack of traceability. Once they are all combined in an external 3D model review application, it is impossible to gauge who initially raised the issue.

使用Oracle Aconex模型协调模块,会自动编号,并可以以集合组织并分配给正确的人。无需从不同来源汇总数据,因为它们都在一个具有相同模型的地方完成。

“ Oracle Aconex已证明是为我们的项目管理,沟通和记录保存的宝贵工具。”新利18备用网址

-Lendlease数字工程经理Eldad Asoulin


A weekly report is generated reflecting areas/elements to be coordinated and who is responsible to action the issue. This is a full-time job for one person to document, take notes in meetings for outcomes, and create a register tracking all issues with historical data.

通过使用Oracle Aconex模型协调模块,Lendlease已获得更大的透明度和问责制,并将一周的负载降低到四个小时(协调会议)。这最终以每周36小时节省。

Coordination and communication


“We were able to bring the model coordination and communication process to the whole team using Oracle Aconex. This has saved us countless hours by speeding up the coordination process, but more importantly, Oracle Aconex has raised the overall quality and efficiency of the process," says Asoulin.



A collaborative and secure共同的数据环境(CDE) is incredibly valuable because its transparency prevents misinterpretation or lost data.

“现在,我们可以轻松地让合适的人参与其中,包括所有者。Oracle Aconex将人们聚集在一起。RFI,澄清和返工都减少了,因为每个人都可以完全了解设计。”

-Lendlease数字工程经理Eldad Asoulin

Attaching emails to the issue saves time looking for related information, particularly in the weekly design coordination meetings. In addition to attaching related emails to the model to improve information access, issue raising, tracking, and close-out within Oracle Aconex cumulatively add up to slashing meeting times by one half day per week.

Expanding the benefits of model coordination across Lendlease projects

这project team’s improvements and feedback from the project team have helped Asoulin and his colleagues to begin documenting a financial business case for BIM Model Coordination. He expects this business case will enable teams on other Lendlease projects to review the use of the Model Coordination module on their projects with a reasonable assurance of applicability and benefit.


  • 通过减少模型协调会议时间,每周节省100人小时
  • Saved 36 person hours per week by automating issues tracking and statusing
  • 通过Oracle Aconex模型管理对设计更改进行冲突,消除了全职头脑的需求
  • 将管理模型协调联合会的时间减少了95%以上
  • 提高了整体透明度和问责制

甲骨文建设与工程,全球领导者建筑管理软件以及项目投资组合管理解决方案,可帮助您连接整个项目和资产生命周期的团队,流程和数据。推动效率和控制project delivery具有可靠的解决方案项目控件,,,,施工计划,,,,portfolio management,,,,BIM/CDE,,,,建筑支付管理, 和更多。