
Toronto-based TransPod, which has proposed rocketing passengers and cargo at hundreds of miles per hour between Edmonton and Calgary through levitating tubes, said securing provincial approval provides a crucial measure of support for the budding project.

The memo of understanding between Alberta and TransPod does not include any government money, but province support will help the developer solidify its pitch to private investors who the company anticipates will bankroll the project, said its CEO and founder Sebastien Gendron.


But the venture faces significant challenges, said a new study by Transport Canada, conducted for the public agency by engineering giant AECOM. Hyperloop technology shows “promise,” said the firm, which has been involved in design and construction of test facilities for other proposed projects.

Butthe report对于Hyperloop概念而言,“被认为是当今高速轨道,磁性磁线或航空的近期,可行的替代方案”所引用的“太多的不确定性”。

多伦多大学的城市规划和运输教授Matti Siemiatycki表示,加拿大运输公司的报告强调了在Hyperloop(例如Hyperloop)等新的和未经证实的运输技术所面临的挑战,该技术正处于审查过程的早期阶段,可能需要数年的时间才能发挥作用。

Still, TransPod’s CEO said the agreement with Alberta is a major step forward and would help give potential investors confidence that hyperloop technology is real and indicates a market for the ambitious and cutting-edge infrastructure project.

“We wanted to have official support,” Gendron said. “The support is more important than the money. It shows potential.”

Transpod的提议是在Hyperloop风格的运输项目开始围绕这个词开始扩散的时候,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和理查德·布兰森(Ri新利18备用网址chard Branson)等亿万富翁促进了自己的项目。

While some players in the new field have been cagey about details of the technical aspects of their plans, TransPod hopes to set itself apart by releasing a detailed description of the technology behind the proposal.




项目的总成本could hit $7.2 billion, with construction of the main hyperloop section under way between 2025 and 2030, Gendron said.

The project does not plan to seek public money, but Gendron said it is interested in potential funding from the quasi-public Canada Infrastructure Bank, launched a few years ago to use billions in federal seed money to raise tens and even hundreds of billions in private investment dollars for public infrastructure projects.

TransPod's financing effort is focused on pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and other investors who have become major players over the past few decades in public infrastructure project finance.