Navillus Contracting的三名高管是纽约市主要工会建设项目的大型砌体和混凝土分包商,面临11项刑事起诉,据称在2011年至2017年之间,据称欺骗工会福利资金超过100万美元。新利18备用网址

Company CEO Donal O’Sullivan, payroll department head Helen O’Sullivan and comptroller Padraig Naughton, were arrested and charged with conspiring “with others” to evade making contributions to seven union funds that included health and pension benefits. Helen O'Sullivan also is a sister to the CEO. All were released on bail.

根据Donal O'Sullivan的8月3日,这三人“暂时”辞去了公司的角色。Navillus运营负责人Colin Mathers现在是临时首席执行官,没有披露高管返回的日期。

The company had collective bargaining agreements with the labor unions that required it to hire union workers on its projects and to file reports that detailed the number of hours worked by each employee.

Navillusemployed union and non-union workers in violation of the collective bargaining agreement, but if it did hire non-union workers, it was required under the agreements to contribute to the union benefits funds on their behalf, according to the federal indictment made public July 30.


The consulting firm, which provided construction companies with surveys and construction project estimates, was not identified in the indictment, and its owner was named as "John Doe." His secretary, named in the document as “Jane Doe,” was described as having submitted false consulting firm billing invoices to Navillus to make it appear that the payments were for masonry and consulting work performed for the company to conceal the fraudulent payments to workers, the indictment said.

The three who were indicted along with “one or more others” conspired to embezzle money owed to the union benefits funds, the indictment said, noting that the government will claw back the stolen funds if the defendants are found guilty.

Sean O’Shea, a partner with Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft in New York City and attorney for Donal O’Sullivan, said the government’s claim is “flatly false” and noted that during the time period when it is alleged the company failed to pay $1 million to union benefits funds, it actually paid more than $200 million to those unds.

“It’s sad when the U.S. government is the collection agency for these unscrupulous unions,” he said.

According to O’Shea, O’Sullivan’s company is one of the largest union contractors in New York City. “The trend is away from union labor here,” he said, adding that the unions have created an environment that makes it difficult to work with them. “They ae trying to destroy a great union company when they should be looking in the mirror,” he said.

Navillussettled a civil suit alleging fraud由五个工会和福利资金带来的,2018年使用了一家由奥沙利文(O’Sullivan)和他的兄弟拥有的单独的公司来避免谈判协议在其项目上使用工会劳动力的协议,并以2570万美元的价格付款。新利18备用网址

Navillus申请破产保护after an original judgment of $76 million, but was able to emerge after the amount was reduced as a means of keeping the company in business, the federal judge in the case said at the time.

Having both a union and nonunion construction companies with a single owner is not illegal under National Labor Relations Act, but if not set up properly can lead to trouble, industry observers warned.

主要曼哈顿项目中Navillus th新利18备用网址e 9/11 Memorial and Museum, and theOne Vanderbilt, One Manhattan West and 252 East 57th Street towers.