AECOM在8月4日报告第三季度业绩时,宣布将海拔升级给Gaurav Kapoor的首席财务官,以前是首席会计官,全球控制者和财务主管。他接替了W. Troy Rudd,该公司早些时候在有争议的董事会投票中提高了首席执行官,但该公司表示,该公司于8月15日担任该职位,而不是10月1日,即先前的生效日期。他继任董事长兼首席执行官迈克尔·伯克(Michael S. Burke),并加入了董事会。AECOM还任命Douglas W. Stotlar导演为独立董事会主席。AECOM表示,该季度的收入下降了5%,至32亿美元,但业务利润率提高到13.2%,行业分析师Andrew Wittmann的Baird Equity Research的行业分析师表示,他指出“逐步的房地产效率和进一步的重组行动”。他说,管理层对2021财年的利润率“充满信心”,“尽管收入可能面临压力”。其中包括国家和地方项目资金的水平,他说,AECOM和建筑部门都“难以残障”。


As Fluor Corp.’s financial results continue to be a corporate and overseer focus, the publicly traded contractor said July 24 it has elevated veteran executive乔·布伦南(Joe Brennan)to be chief financial officer.

At the firm since 1991, he was senior vice president and served as operations controller since June. Brennan replacesMichael Steuert,who returned to Fluor last year from seven years of retirement and will remain as a senior adviser through year’s end. Brennan also was segment controller in Fluor’s energy and chemicals unit and former general manager of its Southern California operations.

Fluor disclosed this year still ongoing probes by the U.S. Justice Dept. and the Securities and Exchange Commission of charges in 2019 for fixed-price federal projects. Those probes have delayed year-end and 2020 quarterly results filings.

Executive Chairman Alan Boeckmann said in a February results call that the firm did not believe that there are “material errors," which it said has been the intent of its internal investigation.

“We believe Steuert thought Fluor was a quicker fix,” said Jamie Cook, Credit Suisse managing director and industry-sector stock analyst, in a July 24 research note. She adds that the pandemic may have complicated the firm’s usual move to name an external candidate as CFO.

Fluor首席执行官Carlos Hernandez说:“尽管我们的时机没有保证,但该公司预计将在9月30日之前提交其2019年10-K财务更新。

The firm announced on July 23 the award of a front-end engineering and design contract for a California Resources Corp. carbon capture and sequestration project at the 550-MW Elk Hills natural gas power plant in the state. That follows the award in May of a FEED contract for Project Tundra at the Milton R. Young coal-fired plant in North Dakota, set to be the world’s largest carbon-capture facility. Both will use Fluor’s proprietary technology and are funded by the U.S. Energy Dept. Contract amounts were not disclosed.

Analysts remain concerned about impacts on Fluor results from stressed oil and gas markets and possible virus-linked work stoppages.


Bechtel Corp. said July 30 that it has elevatedCraig Albert自2016年以来一直领导其基础设施业务部门的,他于9月8日自9月8日成为公司总裁兼首席运营官。Jack Futcher, who becomes vice chairman until the end of 2020 and then will retire from the contractor. Futcher will become a non-executive director on the company’s board. Albert joined Bechtel in 1998 and has had a major role in managing power, waste treatment, and LNG projects in the U.S. and Australia and in business unit restructuring, the company said. He is based in Reston, Va.

Shaun Kennywill succeed Albert as infrastructure unit president, based in London. Most recently, he led the consortium, including Bechtel, in construction of the Riyadh Metro in Saudi Arabia. He is based in London. Also as of Sept. 8,Paul Marsden成为其石油,天然气和化学品业务的总裁,而艾莉·麦卡丹(Ailie Macadam)将担任贝克特(Bechtel)采矿和金属部门的总裁,自11月1日生效。他们分别接替阿拉斯代尔·卡斯卡特(Alasdair Cathcart)和佩奇·威尔逊(Paige Wilson)。Marsden是高级副总裁,Macadam是基础设施单位运营经理。


Denise Turner Roth, WSP USA chief development officer since 2018, has been named president of the firm's U.S. advisory services group. She replaces约翰·波卡里(John Porcari),该公司表示“在WSP以外接受了支持美国国家政策的重要领导角色”。该公司说,他仍然是该小组的高级顾问。

WSP did not offer further detail on Porcari's outside position and he declined to confirm to ENR industry speculation that it could involve an infrastructure-related role with the campaign of Democratic presidenitial candidate Joe Biden. Porcari said his new WSP role is part-time, but he would remain involved on projects that include upgrade of the Moynihan train station in Manhattan,纽约和新泽西州的门户铁路计划和加利福尼亚高速铁路项目。

在WSP期间,他从2016年到2019年初担任Gateway Development Corp.的临时执行董事,该公司负责监督两个州东北走廊铁路基础设施的数十亿升级。

波尔卡里(Porcari)以前从2009年至2013年在奥巴马政府任职,当时拜登(Biden)担任副总裁,担任副运输秘书。据他称CNBC。Porcari also is a former two-time head of Maryland's Dept. of Transportation

Roth, who previously worked in the WSP advisory group in 2017 as a senior advisor, also is a former head of the U.S. General Services Administration and city manager of Greensboro, N.C.

Cornell University has elevatedLynden A. Archerto dean of its School of Engineering. An engineering faculty member since 2000, he also has directed the Cornell Energy Systems Institute since 2017 and will continue in the role until a new director is selected. Archer's research has led to creation of a technology firm that is commercializing electrolytes for safe lithium batteries, said Cornell. Provost Michael Kotlikoff. said he “has made many tremendous contributions … through his work in energy storage and carbon-capture technology.”

Wendy Cohenhas been elevated to president of Kitchell CEM, one of five operating companies of construction management firm Kitchell Corp. She succeeds拉斯·福克斯,who retires at year’s end. Based in San Diego, Cohen joined the firm in 2013 from a previous role as director of facilities planning and construction at Palomar Health. Kitchell ranks No. 177 on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors list, with $543 million in 2019 revenue.

纽约市的Sto Building Group已提升布莱恩·林奇(Brian Lynch)致财务运营高级副总裁丹·克拉克(Dan Clark)接替他担任其结构Tone LLC部门的首席财务官。克拉克(Clark)是AECOM财务和区域首席财务官副总裁。


M&J Engineering, New Hyde Park, N.Y., has named retired少将罗伯特·卡尔森(Robert D. Carlson)担任弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的副总裁兼分支经理。


承包商J. Fletcher Creamer&Son Inc.,新泽西州Hackensack,已提升总统Joseph “Joe” Walshto the role of CEO. He succeedsJ. Fletcher Creamer Jr.,who has been in the role since 2006 and will retire in September. Vice President小马丁·马蒂(Martin“ Marty”)成为总统。它说,Creamer在2016年被API Group Inc.收购,但继续以独立品牌运营。该公司在ENR的前400名承包商名单上排名第199位,20新利18备用19年收入约为4.87亿美元。

费城希尔国际(Hill International)Drew Jeterpresident of its Americas region, succeeding迈克尔·格里芬(Michael V. Griffin),who will retire. Jeter had been vice president of program management at Jacobs.