Early in the COVID-19 crisis, Governors Doug Ducey (R-Ariz.), Steve Sisolak (D-Nev.), and Lisa Lujan Grisham (D-N.M.) designated construction as “essential” to their states, but economic uncertainty has nevertheless delayed some Southwest projects. As a result, contractors continue to adjust their expectations for availability of labor and materials––and their hopes for business as usual in the near future.

里诺(Reno)相关总承包商的内华达州300成新利18备用网址员内华达州分会首席执行官克雷格·马多尔(Craig Madole)说:“在业务关闭期间,有几个较大的赌场项目被推迟,但预计这些项目将在未来几个月内恢复。”

In Las Vegas, Sean Stewart, CEO of the Nevada Contractors Association (NCA), adds, “We are seeing delays and cancellations of some public works projects due to state and local funding shortfalls.”

AUI, the Albuquerque-based heavy civil construction contractor, experienced a two-week delay on a treatment plant project because a few electricians tested positive for COVID-19. “We have also had to shut down three projects to date because some of our employees tested positive, but they were able to return to work in a week,” says Patrick Shaw, vice president of operations.


Kitchell首席执行官Jim Swanson说:“由于医院的运营着重于解决大流行,因此这些服务的取消不仅影响了需要程序的人,还影响了医疗保健系统的盈利能力和现金流。”“对当今和可预见的未来的医疗保健行业的影响还有待观察。”

Supply Chain Issues

一些承包商正在报告由于供应商的雇员收缩该病毒而可能的供应链问题。例如,在凤凰城(Phoenix),美国分包商协会(Arizona Inc.反过来,这影响了ASA的200名商业和住宅成员中的一些时间表。

Steven J. Hilton, co-founder and CEO of Scottsdale-based Meritage Homes, the country’s seventh largest public homebuilder, notes that during the initial four-to-six-week slowdown because of the pandemic, supplies continued without delays for projects in the nine states where the company builds. “We’re just hearing from some manufacturers about challenges with some products, but it’s not at the level that I am overly concerned about it.”

新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基相关承包商执行董事迈克·新利18备用网址贝克(Mike Beck)表示,高速公路项目的材料运转良好。“尽管在早期将材料交付给工作地点时可能散发出一些零星的破坏,但我们并没有听到对生产产生重大影响的主要供应链问题。”

In Nevada, Stewart notes supply chain disruption at all levels of construction but considers the delays to be short term. “Supplies normally secured within days are taking weeks to arrive,” he says, adding that most issues concern furnishings ordered from Europe and the Middle East.

老板杰西·霍(Jesse Haw)说,高地承包商是里诺的一家小型私人住宅建筑商,曾在地板,瓷砖产品和漩涡式洗碗机上遇到问题。但是,他指出:“房屋建筑商一直擅长克服障碍。Covid-19只是增加了我们面临的挑战。”

阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque)由740名成员的房屋建筑商协会执行副总裁约翰·加西亚(John Garcia)说,冠状病毒对材料的担忧加剧了。他说:“木材,钢铁和其他商品的供应不足,这确实导致并继续导致材料价格更高。”

However, he notes one good outcome: “The U.S. began efforts to harvest fallen timbers for local construction projects, and that is good for the long-term outlook for lumber.”


Rosendin Division Manager Brandon Stephens says that a large Arizona high-tech project had more than 10% to 20% worker reductions because of the state’s shelter-in-place order.

但是大多数公司都进行了调整。亚利桑那州ASA执行董事乔什·乌马尔(Josh Umar)表示,承包商犹豫不决地将人员加入成熟的船员而导致了一些放缓。他说:“他们不想将'X因子'添加到一个已经在没有积极案件的情况下安全工作的小组中。”



Companies also have adjusted their short-term planning. Infrastructure contractors are concerned with the state’s long-term funding for infrastructure, which they are monitoring closely, Beck says.

Rosendin’s Stephens adds, “With jobs being shut down for short intervals for deep cleaning or stopped completely, we seem to be continually juggling resources while still having a need for more field workers due to the amount of folks that sheltered at home.”

Placitas, N.M.-based Fisher Sand and Gravel Highway has been challenged by its work in San Juan and McKinley counties on the Navajo Nation, which has experienced COVID-19 infection and death rates higher than those of most states.

该公司副总裁迈克·莫恩(Mike Moehn)说:“当盖洛普市实施完全关闭的情况时,我们的人民被允许通过基本服务。”




Revenues for public agencies, funded mainly from gas taxes, are down because of the combination of reduced crude oil costs and fewer miles being driven by people who are working at home.

内华达州基础设施承包商Granite Construction的内华达州运营副总裁兼区域经理Brian Dowd说:“除非联邦政府通过立法来回填损失的收入,否则竞标今年和下一年的工作可能会更少。”

He adds that the Nevada Dept. of Transportation recently announced it anticipates a $143 million shortfall in its 2020–21 funding and has already taken steps to delay some projects slated for bid. “In response, we have delayed some hiring to see how the impacts from COVID-19 will play out,” he says. “We are also already seeing the bidding environment getting more aggressive due to the concern for what lies ahead.”


A big concern among firms is that if work is not being let four months ahead, keeping employees will be difficult. “Our DOT has understood that and has stayed stable on contracts to keep businesses running,” says Fisher’s Moehn.






But Haw says that demand for homes has increased in his part of Nevada. “Buyers continue to pour out of California for a variety of factors, and the single-family detached product is being viewed by the market to have added benefits over apartments.”

