A recent letter sent to ENR took issue with my story about a work site safety survey and how speed cameras are used.



“我们确实有一个人在我们的工作区内加速和危险的问题,”宾夕法尼亚州AGC章为匹兹堡地区企业AGC章节的工业关系总监Jason Koss说。“驾驶和分心的驾驶确实发生了。“


But as a reporter who's been around the block a few times, I did sympathize with Mr. Sikorski's complaint. He further elaboratesd in his letter that the state of Michigan's strategy is to put most freeway work zones behind concrete barriers, limiting crash risk from passing cars and allowing drivers to see that workers are safe.

Freeway limits are usually 70 mph in Michigan, but are sometimes reduced to 60 mph if warranted. If work areas are close to the travel lanes or there are some minor lane shifts, the basic limit drops by 10 mph. Signs tell motorists “45 Where Workers Present,” which forces drivers to look for workers who might be at risk, and slow down near them. The strategy seems to work for Michigan.

投诉速度相机的收入也非常生根。作为伊利诺伊州的居民,我知道这一切基于我完成的报告involving kickbacks to politicians to place both speed and red light cameras on roads, and how companies such as red light camera provider SafeSpeed LLC involved themselves in corrupt municipal politics.

But painting every speed camera operator as corrupt as SafeSpeed was is as wrong as saying a one-size-fits-all approach to work zone safety is effective in every state or for every department of transportation.


There is certainly a role for technology, including speed cameras, to play in work site safety. But that role should not become a tool to take advantage of motorists. The needs of both drivers and workers can be accomplished with proper controls and transparent processes from DOTs, municipalities and, yes, local politicians.


两组可以帮助避免这种情况type of accident if they leave the politics out and work together on solutions.