The Trump administration has rescinded a July 6 directive that would have required international students attending universities in the U.S. to leave the country, if they did not attend in-person classes this fall.

该决定于7月14日由美国地方法院法官艾莉森·伯劳斯(Allison Burroughs)在马萨诸塞州技术学院和哈佛大学提起的政府的诉讼中的听证会上宣布。



Also many schools still are struggling with delivery methods for fall instruction with still changing COVID-19 requirements across the country.

“国土安全部决定取消其卑鄙的和完全误导的努力,迫使国际学生离开美国,如果他们的机构决定最好完全在线出现公共卫生问题,这不仅仅是令人惊讶的惊喜,”威利斯·王(Willis Wang)说。波士顿大学全球计划的副校长兼副教务长,这是200多所提起诉讼的学校之一。

Sheryl Sorby, current president of the American Society of Engineering Education, said in a statement after the July 6 order that she was "very concerned" that the changes would have had "a far-reaching, negative impact on American higher education, particularly in engineering and engineering technology, for many years."

Sorby,professor of STEM Education at Ohio State University, a recent Fulbright Scholar and former associate dean for academic programs in engineering at Michigan Tech University, added that "engineering innovation is an important driver of growth in the knowledge-based economy of the United States; the unintended consequences of this policy change" would have impeded "our ability to recover from the economic hardship caused by the pandemic."

Sorby emphasized that "at a time when engineering talent is more critical than ever to our recovery, now is not the time to be driving talent from our shores."


“We are seeking the federal government’s support and flexibility as colleges and universities work to provide for both the health and the academic goals of our students amid the unprecedented circumstances that have been brought about by the pandemic,” Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne said in a July 13 statement, announcing that Stanford had joined the lawsuit.
