When Cincinnati’s historic Union Terminal needed a renovation that would restore the integrity of the structure and provide the classic rail hub with new mechanical systems, the Cincinnati Museum Center turned to Turner Construction.

“We did a lot of work up front and the architecture teams were phenomenal in planning, but we all knew that when you took off certain sections you would see issues and you would try to think, ‘OK, those issues are probably going to repeat themselves throughout the building,’” says David Spaulding, vice president and general manager of Turner’s Cincinnati office. “We’d have to go section by section and have the architects and engineers side by side with us and dissect the building at different times because we didn’t shut it down, operations were ongoing during construction.”

在按时完成工作后,尽管遇到了挫折,例如在该航站楼历史悠久的喷泉下发现的结构梁受到水渗透的破坏,但该项目赢得了中西部最佳项目奖项在翻新/修复类别中的优点奖。新利18备用网址新利18备用该建筑不再属于国家历史保护区的濒危地点名单。这仅仅是Enn Midwest年度最佳承包商如何找到最艰难挑战新利18备用的一个例子。

Turner ranked second on ENR Midwest’s 2020 Top Contractors ranking, with $2.99 billion in revenue across the 11-state region. This marks the fifth year in a row that Turner has placed first or second on the ranking. Taking on difficult projects such as the Union Terminal and the reconstruction of Chicago’s Willis Tower kept Turner at the top of the ranking for the Midwest’s renovation contractors—coming in at second in the sector with $689 million in 2019 renovations. Turner is also a leader in delivering the latest in digital infrastructure with data center projects; the firm ranked first in the telecommunications sector with $1.3 billion in 2019 revenue.

“如果有的话,我们看到一个加速度的莫ve towards digitalization, digital infrastructure,” says Ben Kaplan, Turner’s senior vice president for global critical care facilities. “I’m sure you have the data Microsoft is seeing and AWS is seeing and the uptick in Zoom and [Microsoft] Teams usage. We’ve all figured out how to work remotely, and it all needs to be supported by this digital infrastructure. It’s held up, it’s survived, but basically what it’s done is pulled a lot of that demand curve we’ve previously seen closer to the left, closer to us today.”

“如果有的话,我们看到一个加速度的莫ve toward digitalization, digital infrastructure.”

- 本·卡普兰(Ben Kaplan)全球重症监护设施高级副总裁,特纳建筑

Turner has completed major data center projects in Iowa and is still working on Microsoft’s $1.1-billion Project Alluvion complex in West Des Moines. Facebook recently added a 500,000-sq-ft building to its New Albany, Ohio, data center complex that will bring it to 1.5 million total sq ft in the Columbus suburb.

“New Albany has been a great community for us, and we look forward to continuing to strengthen our partnership with the region,” Facebook said, fittingly, in a Facebook post.


“They’re more complex, they require resources, tools and competencies that are very specific, and it’s a specialized kind of product,” Kaplan says. “I don’t think just anybody can build it. As a builder, it’s exciting, it’s challenging and I think we’ve been able to bring value to our clients in just the speed and quality we can safely deliver to our clients.”

Mark Iammarino, Turner Construction’s vice president and general manager of the Kansas City region, says the data center work has brought other business as a result.

“Our experience in building the mega data centers in Omaha and Iowa for our top tech providers allowed us to move more experienced staff into the Omaha markets,” he explains. “Having that solid base of experienced staff and Turner culture that then gets to connect with the local communities. It really helped us launch an opening of those local offices. We’ll soon be breaking ground on about a hundred-million-dollar-plus new university campus in West Des Moines.”


For the $500-million Willis Tower reconstruction that remains underway, the challenge for Turner and its joint venture partner Clayco (ranked No. 1 with $3.25 billion in regional revenue) was keeping the building and all its operations open during construction, including replacement of some of the 1976 building systems and miles of cable and piping.

特纳项目经理Lynda Leigh说:“我们的客户是EQ合作伙伴,他们显然不希望租户打扰。”“因此,我们满足他们的需求。该项目的分阶段 - 不同的部分在不同的时间翻开 - 听起来像是压力减轻了,因为它不是一次。但是有太多阶段,以至于不像参加马拉松比赛,就像跑步15次冲刺一样,您要翻转租户空间,您在不同时间翻身大厅,整个包装的不同部分和碎片。”

Gensler’s design calls for a 30,000-sq-ft roof garden on an addition on the fourth floor. All the soil had to be hoisted to the roof, and trees were being planted in the new roof garden at press time.

特纳(Turner)的建设在ENR排名前400名承包商名单中排名第二,其新利18备用1,500个年度项目和全国45个办事处。新利18备用网址特纳(Turner)自1999年以来一直是Hochtief AG的子公司,并且一直是从可持续性到少数群体和妇女拥有的商业企业参与的一切的先驱。

“在特纳内部,基础设施是为了支持这些计划[MWBE和多样性],”特纳社区和公民身份总监Pamyla Brown说。“基础设施使您可以为劳动力中的各种企业或个人创造有意义的机会。我认为我们正在努力实现我们的使命,但是总会有更多的工作。”

布朗是妇女主任芝加哥Trades for 10 years before joining Turner.
