Boston has completed the final phase of reopening construction in the city, which was one of the most vibrant on the East Coast before the coronavirus shutdown.

After initiallylimitingconstruction to essential projects like new hospital buildings and housing, Boston has lifted its remaining restrictions, allowing commercial construction, such as office towers, to move forward as well.

Boston officials recently wrapped up safety plan approvals, giving a green light to more than 3,000 different projects to move forward, from home renovations to multi-story towers.



Boston city officialsshut down3月中旬,除了紧急建设外,冠状病毒和感染飙升。

为了获得重新开放的许可,承包商必须采用一系列safety measures。其中包括安装洗手站,需要使用口罩和其他个人防护设备,温度检查,并确保工人遵循社会疏远指南。

波士顿市长马丁·J·沃尔什(Martin J. Walsh)的运营总监帕特里克·布罗菲(Patrick Brophy)说:“我们在城市的所有22个病房中都在每个病房中看到行动。”

Contractors are taking varying approaches to ensuring that workers have space to socially distance while also getting their jobs done.


“We are not seeing a whole lot of people shutting things down,” Brophy said. “We are starting to see more traffic in the city and more life. Where you used to be able to fly into town in five or 10 minutes, it is now taking me 15 or 20 minutes.”

Still, faced with a much tougher economy now compared to the beginning of the year before the pandemic, some developers have been forced to restructure their plans amid financing issues.

Millennium Partners, which is building the $1.3 billionWinthrop Center tower在波士顿市中心,最近宣布他们将为数百万美元的豪华公寓提供抛弃计划。

这个项目现在有321个住宅单位,down from 387 before, and they will be apartments, not luxury condos.

The move will shave $80 million off the project’s cost and comes as Millennium looks to raise another $800 million for lenders, a process that got sidetracked when the coronavirus lockdown hit in March.


Francis Callahan, president of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council, recently took Gov. Charlie Baker (R) to task for a policy of “zero tolerance” for workers who report to their jobs while sick.

Callahan contends state regulations use much softer language when discussing employer obligations under the new coronavirus safety rules, with phrases like “where feasible” and “if possible.”

“ZERO TOLERANCE must apply across the board,” Callahan wrote.


And engineers and design firms are moving cautiously as well when it comes to reopening their offices, with Massachusetts recently giving a green light for offices to reopen to 50% of their pre-Covid-19 capacity.

波士顿建筑工程师的首席执行官兼创始人罗宾·格林利夫(Robin Greenleaf)表示,她的公司正谨慎行动,以部分重新开放其办公室,并于7月14日的目标日期。

The plan initially is for employees to come into the firm’s downtown Boston offices twice a week, with plans for temperature checks before employees are allowed into the office, Plexiglas partitions, while also looking to procure ample stocks of hand sanitizer and cleaning products.


“It is just going to take time for people to regain the confidence they can come to an office environment and feel safe,” Greenleaf said. “There is always the possibility of a resurgence where we have to shut down again.”