The effects of months-long shutdowns and stay-at-home orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been pervasive, and the effects have even been seen in real time in the software to help manage construction financing.

Build Technologies的平台专为银行和其他贷款机构设计,以管理其与建筑借款人的关系。Build在美国和加拿大管理了32,000多个建筑贷款,总价值将近200亿美元。内置的平台看到了由州,城市和市政当局实施的与COVID-19相关的关闭和放缓的影响,主要是在东北,加利福尼亚州,路易斯安那州和中西部。构建还记录了这些相同地区如何反弹作为施工重新启动。

“我们看到的是建筑融资链中的总承包商,分包商和其他人正在以非常快速的剪辑重返工作岗位,”建筑房地产总监吉姆·弗雷泽(Jim Fraser)说。“市场正在恢复某种形式的正常状态。”弗雷泽(Fraser)补充说,构成建造的用户组合的贷方并不像某些分析师预测那样精打细算。“您会看到一些可怕的猫(贷方)说他们正在施工,但这只是允许更具侵略性的商店搬进来并分享。”


“We expected a big drop-off in April and May in new activations, but neither have occurred,” he says, noting Built’s numbers line up with U.S. Census Bureau building permit data. “We expected a drop in our activation rate of 10%, but it was more like 4% or 5%. … Lenders right now are being cautious, but not risk averse.”