AlabamaWarrior Met Coal Inc. is planning to construct acoal terminal在贾斯珀附近。该项目范围包括建造建筑物,购买和安装运输,驳船装载和其他煤炭处理设备。战士将利用该设施从其拟议的矿山和布鲁克伍德的加工设施中运输冶金煤。估计的EPC成本为5000万美元。Warrior Met Coal Inc., 16243 Highway 216, Brookwood, 35444. IR#AL200503.

GeorgiaBatter Up Foods LLC计划建立一个breakfast foods production facility在亚特兰大的富尔顿工业园。该项目范围包括翻新102,000平方英尺的前凯洛格建筑物,并购买和安装烤箱,搅拌机,不锈钢罐以及冷冻和包装设备。该工厂将有能力每年生产5.8亿个冷冻华夫饼和煎饼。预计建设将于2020年6月开始。BatterUp Foods是Satispie LLC的分支机构。估计的EPC成本为3400万美元。Satispie LLC,155 Balta Drive,纽约州罗切斯特,14623。IR#GA200405。

印第安纳州INOX Market Service Group is planning to construct astainless steel processing centerin Muncie. The project scope includes construction of a 140,000-sq-ft building, relocation and installation of slitting and forming equipment to be imported from Italy, and purchase and installation of overhead cranes. Briner Building has been selected to provide design-build services. INOX will use the plant to process stainless steel coils for large appliance, elevator and escalator manufacturing and other industries. The estimated EPC cost is $15 million.Inox市场服务集团通过加拿大30,意大利Padova PD 35127。IR#IN200510。

弗吉尼亚Staunton River Plastics LLC计划建造一个塑料容器制造厂at the Southern Virginia Multimodal Park in Hurt. The project scope includes construction of a 250,000-sq-ft building and purchase and installation of polymer storage silos. A design-build firm for the building will be selected from a short list that includes Samet Corp. and Blair Construction Inc. Staunton River Plastics, a subsidiary of RAGE Corp., will use the plant to produce plastic containers for the health and beauty industry. The estimated EPC cost is $34 million.RAGE Corp., 255 Pittsylvania Ave., Altavista, 24517. IR#VA200503.

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