Founded in 1976 by two union carpenters—Frank Martin and Frank Harris—Las Vegas-based general contractor Martin-Harris Construction considers its first priority to be the well-being and success of its 353 employees.

“我们在公司的底线中找到了成功,而不是最高线,”四年前从父亲担任公司领导的盖伊·马丁(Guy Martin)说。“我们的座右铭是:‘玩得开心,赚钱,’。”


“We build people through our projects,” Martin says. “We make sure our people are very successful during this season in their life, and we want them to view this time [at Martin-Harris] as a blessing in their career.”

Support for its employees is matched by the firm’s attention to the needs of its clients. While Martin-Harris operates throughout the Southwestern U.S. (Nevada, Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas), providing design-build, CMAR, design-assist and design-bid-build services in a wide variety of market sectors, “we never travel to a location [from which] we cannot get home office support within four hours,” Martin says.





– Paul Toplak, COO, Martin-Harris

该公司将其工作分为三本商业。承包商的核心业务集团的范围从多户家庭到工业仓库,公园,学校和教堂,项目的规模通常从300万美元到8000万美元不等。新利18备用网址当前的例子包括Red Rock的Adobe,一座4200万美元,四层楼,308个单元的公寓楼和学位,UNLV University Park学生住房,2600万美元,五层楼的木制学生住房复杂的226个单位。

The firm’s major projects group tackles unique work outside key market centers. While these projects are not always large, they are often focused on complexity. “This group is a collection of assets we deploy very strategically,” Martin explains. The major projects group is currently building the Las Vegas Convention Center Phase II Expansion, working in a joint venture with Turner Construction as part of a $2.1-billion program. It also is building the 140,000-sq-ft Las Vegas municipal courthouse through a $56.3-million public-private partnership.

同时,一个特殊项目小组以高强度,短期的重点新利18备用网址解决工作,包括翻新和所有市场领域的租户改善。最近,该小组在赌场内为永利,宫殿和帕克米高梅(Palazzo)和公园米高梅(Park Mgm)完成了重复工作,并在麦卡兰国际机场(McCarran International Airport)以及UMC和Sunrise医院的LAX和医疗保健项目中完成了工作。新利18备用网址


“We build a lot of apartments and hotels and bring lean principles and innovation to those projects,” Martin-Harris COO Paul Toplak says. “And we partner with our subcontractors to raise the bar. It’s very fulfilling. We feel this is an area where our firm has more time and patience and has impacted the industry in a positive way.”



Nevada has lately relaxed its social-distancing restrictions, and the contractor is fully open today with key protocols in place. To prepare for this “new normal,” the firm conducted a thorough office reopening program phased over a three-week period.

The contractor treated its office like a jobsite, performing a job-hazard analysis and taking steps to eliminate or mitigate risks. OSHA and CDC preventative measures were applied to hallways, coffee stations, restrooms and the reception area. “Any place where social distancing is not practical or guaranteed, we treated as a job hazard and wrote a plan for it,” Martin says.



“The pandemic has confirmed our commitment to our people and our partners. It has reinforced that we need to be leaders,” Toplak adds. “As the world changes, we are figuring out how to be at the forefront of that change.”

Martin served on the Nevada governor’s commission to help the state work through how to keep construction as an essential activity during the pandemic shutdown. “We were able to share our ideas and strategies with the governor’s office and OSHA to keep our tradesmen and women working and safe,” he says.



On the flip side, any projects that can be bid, built and commissioned within a nine-month period are not seeing much of an impact. “We have a robust schedule and backlog. Money is still out there and flowing,” Martin adds. “The greatest challenge is that developers outside of Vegas are hampered by travel restrictions and can’t physically get here right now. They’ve just hit pause; they haven’t changed their plans.”

The Human Element

为了致力于持续争取劳动力多样性,马丁·哈里斯建筑公司(Martin Harris Construction)的劳动力中有40%以上是千禧一代的一部分。该公司还合作创建了STEM 101课程,用于行业培训和教育,并扩大了该计划的教育范围,包括拉斯维加斯的青年发展和社会创新部。

“They aren’t just a general contractor; they’re a partner,” notes Keith Earnest, executive vice president of VanTrust Real Estate, a frequent Martin-Harris client that has built more than 4 million sq ft of industrial warehouse and fulfillment projects with the firm since 2016.

“Today’s warehouse is not just a guy cruising around on a forklift,” Earnest notes. “It takes a Martin-Harris contractor to be able to execute these [more elaborate] buildings.”

马丁·哈里斯(Martin-Harris)最近在北拉斯维加斯(North Las Vegas)建立了丝芙兰(Sephora)的区域配送中心,这是一座耗资3700万美元,713,366平方英尺的倾斜工业建筑,其中设有以员工为中心的仓库。承包商与客户协同工作,以确保一个有大休息室,宽敞的休息区,小吃店和厨房的人类友好空间,使仓库更像是办公室环境。
