为了推动一项耗资5.76亿美元的安德森大坝地震改造项目,加利福尼亚州议会于6月8日通过了AB 3005,这是《硅谷快速安全的大坝安全法》,促进了该项目的建设。

撰写该法案的议员罗伯特·里瓦斯(Robert Rivas)(加利福尼亚州D-Hollister)表示,两党支持的压倒性投票表明,要修复大坝的重要性。他说:“在发生大地震的情况下,时钟正在灾难性的大坝故障,而且我们不能允许官僚延误以增加对公共安全,水安全和环境保护的风险。”


The Anderson Reservoir is the largest open reservoir under Valley Water’s control and currently limited to about 58% of its capacity because of seismic concerns over the 240-ft-tall earthen dam built in 1950. The fix for the dam includes replacing the existing outlet pipe running below the dam to improve capacity and reliability, increasing the concrete spillway’s wall height and increasing the height of the dam crest. The project is in the design phase.

“安德森大坝项目不仅会保护Silicon Valley and South County from the devastation of a dam failure, but it also will create thousands of good-paying jobs that are so badly needed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic,” John Varela, Valley Water board member, said in a statement. “Getting this project construction underway as quickly as possible is Valley Water’s top priority, and that’s what AB 3005 will do.”



Anderson Dam is not anticipated to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 7.25 on the nearby Calaveras fault or of magnitude 6.6 on the Coyote Creek fault located directly beneath the dam. A breach at full capacity would flood an area extending more than 30 miles northwest, including the cities of San Jose and Santa Clara, and more than 40 miles southeast.