

随着城市病毒指标的改善,所有建筑工地都可以重新开放,符合州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)的第1阶段,以恢复州经济的计划。地区必须在其他企业开放之前成功完成此阶段,并为所有工人提供新的规则,以防止新颖的冠状病毒传播。


与杀害明尼阿波利斯的乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)有关的抗议活动并没有延迟重新开放。晚上8点的城市效果结束于6月7日,比计划早日。尽管在曼哈顿和其他行政区的许多地区仍然存在胶合板登机和其他对零售地点的保护措施,但对建筑地点没有明显损害。

Spencer Levine, president of RAL Development, notes that one of its projects in Manhattan's Union Square was “in the center of the ongoing demonstrations.” He says the firm's safety and facilities manager was in constant communication with its third-party security contractor to monitor and secure the site.



工程公司桑顿·托马塞蒂(Thornton Tomasetti)的副校长比尔·爱德华兹(Bill Edwards)说:“总的来说,[建筑行业]公司正在寻找缓慢的空缺或逐步回归以支持积极的重新进入。”“在动荡的时期,个人意识和良好的决定是个人安全的必要条件。我看到很多企业使用良好的常识来支持这一回报。”

As of June 8, 33,556 previously closed non-essential sites were allowed to resume construction activity as part of the Phase 1 reopening, according to the New York City Dept. of Buildings. That is in addition to 8,243 essential construction sites that remained open during the shutdown, the department says.

The Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York, Building Trades Employers’ Association and Real Estate Board of New York announced on June 8 a "remobilization plan" linked to state and city edicts that set health and safety protocols for construction worksites during the pandemic. Protocols include requirements for personal protective equipment, social distancing, health screenings, increased washing stations, frequent cleaning and disinfection. They also call for face coverings "to be worn at all times on union construction sites."

此外,纽约市市长比尔·德·布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)签署了一项行政命令,要求始终让施工现场的员工和访客穿着面部掩护。




建筑贸易委员会主席加里·拉巴伯拉(Gary Labarbera)在一份声明中说:“我们的成员和所有建筑工人的安全必须是使建筑业重新启动的任何计划的优先事项。”



The manager said some union trades "refused to return to work at first. They are back on site as of this week. Most of our sites were at 50-60% workforce [on June 8] and are targeting 80-90% workforce by next week.”

The executive notes that the firm “learned that we didn’t like the way UV-C lighting was used to disinfect our shanties, but we did like the way it worked within our HVAC system.”


高管指出,工人“不想传递纸和笔来回答CDC健康筛查问题,并在大型站点上以14天所需的文书存储“繁琐”,有些则具有“ 800多个”工人。该公司正在追求应用应用程序进行数字存储。该项目主管说:“下周生效时,将会有一条学习曲线。”

For one open shop CM working on mid-size and smaller projects, “all of our jobs were at least partially open before June 8,” says the firm's CEO, adding that there are “operational protocols that prevent running the site at full capacity.” He notes staggered start and stop times for different trades and limited occupancy due to social distancing, including hoist limits of four persons. He characterizes productivity at 80%.


"On average we 10%-15% productivity loss for the next few weeks. This will evolve based on how well the overall industry does with maintaining protocols, and continued loosening of restrictions if there are fewer outbreaks detected in the NYC area," says James Donaghy, chairman of STO Building Group. "The productivity impact is different from site to site, driven mostly by vertical/horizontal transportation delays and remobilizations." He says "only a handful of our sites remain closed, by client directive, in NY."


DOB新闻秘书安德鲁·鲁丹斯基(Andrew Rudansky)说,虽然建筑部并未跟踪该市在建筑中的特定就业人数,但“我们至少希望成千上万的建筑工人重返工作岗位。”


The mayor's office directive doesn’t specifically address face-mask removal in lunch areas or for hydration "especially as the temperature goes up," STO's Donaghy says, which leaves uncertainty as to whether workers must leave a site to remove masks or can do so in specified areas with 6-ft distance maintained. "GCs who require workers to leave and return the site for lunch or to hydrate will potentially cause more exposure that could also cause issues with productivity," he contends. "These mandates have proven to be fluid, so as more feedback is provided the rules will evolve."


With so many sites and employees getting back to work, the city’s late arrival into Phase 1 may have a silver lining: the ability to learn from other regions in New York state that moved to Phase 2.


“The essential sites that opened before today did help to normalize the new protocols,” says Marguerite Pinto, another Thornton Tomasetti associate principal. She notes all that sites she’s visited require masks and have supplies of them on hand, that there is enforced 6-ft spacing between workers “wherever practicable,” and circulating site safety monitors warning people if they’re too close.


Ral Development的Levine表示,某些公司的项目,例如零欧文技术中心新利18备用网址,被认为是必不可少的,并且保持开放,因此一旦重新开放,它可以先学习如何使用非必需的网站。他说,该公司带来了“比计划更早提前的项目医务人员”,以实施日常健康调查表和调度。新利18备用网址

“当我们重新启动我们的建筑行业的经济引擎时,没有任何借口放弃我们知道挽救生命的社会疏远和健康措施,”城市建筑专员梅兰妮·E·拉罗卡(Melanie E.有效地扫荡城市中的每个工作地点,以确保合规。”