With nearly 700,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, Brazil trails only the U.S. as the most-impacted country, but in pushing to maintain economic activity, leaders have allowed construction to continue.

新利18备用网址在巴西27个州的大多数州,包括里约热内卢,圣保罗和米纳斯·格拉斯(Minas Gerais),这是三个最大的经济体。

An estimated 88% of housing, infrastructure and industrial building projects remain in progress, according to Brazil’s Building Construction Syndicate. Measures of physical distance and hygiene have been adapted at jobsites.

Before the pandemic, one Brazilian construction Industry survey predicted a 3% increase in total construction market volume in 2020, primarily based on a strong housing sector.


根据劳动部,66000影响ction workers lost their jobs in April. The quarantine period due to the pandemic started in the country in mid-March.

The agribusiness and mining sectors are the least affected by the country's recent economic crisis and projects are ongoing using several measures to protect workers to prevent coronavirus transmission.

Yara International ASA, one of the world's largest fertilizer producers, is expanding its plant in Rio Grande, in Rio Grande do Sul stat in the country's southern region but work to complete the $350-million project now is delayed to the fourth quarter. Although Brazil's agribusiness sector initially remained on alert when China had its quarantine period earlier this year, there was a rapid recovery of exports to that country.

Yara is also developing the Serra do Salitre mining-industrial complex in Minas Gerais state, which has been delayed by six months due to the pandemic, now due to be complete in 2021. The project is in its second stage and involves construction of a chemical plant. A phosphate mine and cmeical processing area already is in operation.


One of the largest infrastructure projects under way in Brazil is the West-East Integration Railway, a 1,527-km line to connect the country’s center—its last agricultural frontier—to the port of Ilhéus, in the State of Bahia. The line will also pass through an important iron ore complex in the state.

Valec, a public company controlled by the Ministry of Infrastructure, is building the project. To speed execution, the government assigned one segment of the railway's second section to the Brazilian army’s engineering division.

The project is divided into three sections. The first 537-km segment, from iron ore mines in Caetité city in Bahia State to Ilhéus, is almost completed. The 485-km-long second section from Barreiras, the country's new agricultural hub in the far west of Bahia State, to Caetité, is set to finish in 2022. Construction on the final 505-km segment has not yet started.


China's prominent business role in Brazil has focused on integrated logistics. China Communications Construction Co, a government-owned company, is building a port In São Luís city, Maranhão State, to serve export of agricultural commodities to China. It will feature a 656-meter quay with three berths, a 1,085-m access bridge and 370 acres devoted to warehousing and cargo-moving operations.