
Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx, the provincial transportation authority, have issued requests for qualifications for the first two of three planned P3 project packages under which the15.5-kilometer line will be built.

“This is by and far the largest and most significant project going on in the province,” says Bruce Matthews, CEO of Consulting Engineers of Ontario.

The new subway, which will run between Exhibition/Ontario Place and the Ontario Science Centre, will include as many as 15 stations and 17 connections to other subway and light rail systems.


该机构的一位发言人说,这种病毒影响导致“减少了对主要,数十亿美元的设计建造 - 合同的单一合同项目的需求”。新利18备用网址预计地铁P3项目将从加拿大和国际工程和建筑巨头引起兴趣。




在可能candidates to vie for one of the Ontario Line's contracts are large Spanish, German and U.S. firms, noted Matti Siemiatycki, an associate professor in urban planning at the University of Toronto and an expert on P3 projects.

西米亚蒂奇说,国际巨头很可能会寻求加拿大公司与承包商埃利斯·唐(Ellis Don),艾肯(Aecon)和庞巴迪(Bombardier)在内的合作。“该项目非常重要,并且是迄今为止安大略省最大的运输项目,自建造第一条地铁线以来。”

While the economic downturn and COVID-19 have reduced the capacity of major design-build firms to take on huge projects, there also has been growing industry caution about large and complicated P3s, he noted. A number of recent big transit projects have run into cost and budget issues, with SNC-Lavalin, a previously dominant bidder on P3 construction projects, exiting the sector last year to focus on consulting services.



A team led by design firm HDR was selected in March as project technical adviser, along with Mott MacDonald, Stantec, Systra and Comtech, to provide planning, engineering, environmental review, design and construction oversight services.

"Moving forward with these procurement contracts signals the government remains committed to building much needed transit infrastructure to reduce congestion and contribute to the economic recovery," said Laurie Scott, Ontario minister of Infrastructure, in a statement.