Maryland is pushing forward a plan for a public-private partnership team to design, build, finance and operate new express lanes on a key highway interchange in its Washington, D.C. suburbs, estimated to cost between $9 and $11 billion, while it has yet to resolve a high-profile rail line P3 stalled over disputed costs.

Four infrastructure development teams have submitted qualifications to bid on the Maryland Dept. of Transportation’s plan to add privately financed express lanes on portions of the Capital Beltway and I-270 corridor in suburban Montgomery County.

Vying to design, build, finance and operate the express lanes in exchange for a 50-year toll revenue concession are:

加速马里兰州快递合作伙伴,带有铅开发人员/权益ITINERA基础架构和优惠;首席承包商Halmar International和Itinera以及设计师Atkins North America和Gannett Fleming。

加速马里兰州的合作伙伴, with lead developer/equity Transurban (USA) Operations and Macquarie Infrastructure Developments; lead contractor Archer Western Construction; and designers Dewberry Engineers and Stantec Consulting Services.

Capital Express流动伙伴,with lead developers/equity Cintra Global, Meridiam Capital Express and John Laing Investments Ltd.; lead contractor Ferrovial Agroman US and designer AECOM Technical Services.

波托马克移动小组,牵头开发人员/权益ACS基础设施的开发;首席承包商Dragados美国;设计师Parsons运输集团,Jacobs Engineering Group和HDR Engineering。

该计划在1月份获得马里兰州公共工程委员会的批准,要求在环城公路五英里处加起来多达四个Tolled Express Lanes,并穿过波托马克河,与北弗吉尼亚州的Express Lane系统建立联系。

I-270 Express车道将从在盖瑟斯堡(Gaithersburg)环城公路和I-370之间的9英里处开始,然后在其他项目完成后继续在弗雷德里克(Frederick)再继续32英里至I-70。新利18备用网址




并发与P3征集过程中,Maryland is performing environmental studies to evaluate options for building managed lanes in both the Beltway and I-270 corridors. MDOT says the draft EIS containing results of the studies will be published soon.

州长拉里·霍根(Larry Hogan)说:“当我们计划恢复时,这些关键的基础设施项目是重建经济并保持供应链的前新利18备用网址进的关键。”“很高兴看到领先的国际公司有兴趣投资于...地区。”

运输部长格雷格·斯莱特(Greg Slater)补充说:“与私营部门合作是在未来几个月和几年内为马里兰州的企业和居民交付的关键。”



Fluor is also a partner in the development consortium overseeing the Purple Line’s design, construction and operation under a 36-year concession with the state.

Although the design-build team is more than a month into its planned 60- to 90-day transition period, which includes securing and vacating worksites along the Purple Line’s 16-mile route, ongoing negotiations with Maryland transportation leaders may ultimately keep the contractor on the job.

In a brief June 2 agency statement, Slater and Purple Line Construction Partners CEO Peter van der Waart expressed satisfaction with progress made toward reaching an equitable settlement.

If the design-build team remains on the project, a new hurdle has emerged in the form of an appeal to a federal judge’s April decision to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the Purple Line’s environmental permits.
