

乘客和收入暴跌,机场的ficials pressed pause on the design and set up four workshops over the next several weeks, recruiting public health experts from the local community of research and university entities, says airport spokeswoman Alyson Walls. “We decided to take the opportunity to really look at our design and everything that was happening in terms of new health standards, new realities of air travel and what that may look like in the future.”

Gensler,HDR和Luis Vidal + Architects的设计团队利用HDR的医疗保健团队为大流行终端的塑造提供了信息。“We’re looking at how to take our biocontainment expertise in hospitals and research laboratories, including lessons learned, and apply it to potentially help the environment within an airport to minimize the transmission of disease pathogens,” says Chris Bormann, HDR’s East region health director.

“Now is the time to double down on empathy and how we work with our partners and clients to deliver projects.”

- Ryan Fetters,Gensler

两个研讨会发生在四月和五月。沃尔斯说:“提出外卖还为时过早,但目的是确定优先事项。”“我们可以做些什么来进行更改?每个人都在寻找持有房间,门区域布局,安全检查站,票务柜台 - 人们聚集的地方。我们可以在地板和口罩上看到什么?对于未来来说,这可能还不够。”

Participants are assessing technologies that better control the flow of passengers through a terminal, such as a digital queue that would involve assigned times to go through security, biometrics, thermal scanning and potential separation of incoming passengers from outbound passengers at the gates. Elements such as UV lights, natural light, oxygen flow and cross ventilation, and touchless technologies are all in play, says Luis Vidal, the architect on the team.

HDR Aviation总监Bill Peduzzi说,匹兹堡机场有机会设计最早的大流行终端之一的情况并不常见。“我们的大多数客户要么处于具有维护设施的静态位置,要么目前更改它的能力有限。”


Ryan Fetters, principal with Gensler, says several airports across the globe, including San Francisco International Airport, have participated in workshops to address these implications.

他说:“ SFO的印象是,这就像9/11之后的第二天,现在已经进行了两个多月。”“这是该行业的范式转变。目前,由于没有多少人在建筑物中,社交距离很简单,但是当人们再次开始飞行时,中期会发生什么?”

He adds: “Now is the time to double down on empathy and how we work with our partners and clients to deliver these projects.”

Early Arrivals


MWAA工程高级副总裁Roger Natsuhara表示,最近几个月的建设步伐更快,一夜之间的工作转变为日光。Natsuhara补充说:“随着我们意识到其他部门的供应链问题,我们对物质订单保持了密切关注,以确保交付持续而不会大幅中断。”


Looking ahead, Natsuhara says that MWAA is examining its full slate of approved projects to prioritize those that should go forward and identify others for deferral in order to preserve capital.


Similar examples abound at airports with major modernization programs, such as Salt Lake City International Airport. Its $4.1-billion program will now finish two years early with an estimated cost savings of $300 million.

但是,对合同和未来建设有什么影响?“在4月的大部分时间里,我们大多数成员的重点是审查金融可持续发展轨迹所必需的,”机场委员会国际北美委员会安全和监管事务高级副总裁克里斯·奥斯瓦尔德(Chris Oswald)说。他说:“在接下来的六到18个月中,您所有的运营和维护收入来源都已被掩盖。”他说,这影响了机场在资本计划的新债务负担方面所能承受的。


“显然,我们都在努力保持项目的进行,” Americas地区HKA的合伙人兼总裁Frank Giu新利18备用网址nta说,他主持了第一个网络研讨会。“我们还讨论了问题 - 这是不可抗力的吗?合同怎么说?保证的最高价格是否由于千载难逢的条件而无效?”


While most contracts allow some relief for construction delays caused by certain enumerated or extraordinary events, the clauses may differ about whether contractors are compensated monetarily, notes Jim Newland, partner at Seyfarth Shaw LLP and another webinar moderator. On public projects, some states preclude the use of “no damages for delay” clauses that prevent contractors from recouping associated costs. But when they are enforceable, “generally speaking, owners may owe the contractor an extension of time, but no money,” Newland adds.

需要更好的沟通,同时社会说tancing aligns with the airport world’s trend toward design-build and construction manager-general contractor delivery approaches, says Oswald. “A major takeaway is the need and reality of cooperation among parties.”

由艾琳·乔(Aileen Cho)和吉姆·帕森(Jim Parson)