

On March 27, President Donald Trump signed the Coronavirus Assistance and Relief (CARES) Act. Among the measure’s provisions was the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). It authorized the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide loans to businesses so they could maintain their payrolls while weathering the economic storm. The loans were forgivable if the borrower maintained its workforce and used the funds for payroll, rent, utilities and other costs. Additionally, the borrower had to certify that current uncertainty “makes the loan request necessary to support ongoing operations.”


The legislation defined eligibility as meeting either the 500-employee-or-less threshold or the SBA size standard. For most construction firms, the agency defines small businesses as having about $40 million in annual receipts or less.

While most construction firms fall under the 500-employee threshold, SBA’s improper policy of additionally applying an annual receipts standard made many family-owned businesses conclude that they were not eligible. SBA and the U.S. Treasury Dept. later clarified that either condition met the requirement, but this was a preview of confusion to come.

Because the need for the loans exceeded the initial funding, the Trump administration and Congress moved to provide an additional $310 billion. At almost the same time, news media reported that large and, in some cases, publicly held firms were receiving PPP loans. The companies were in fact technically eligible, but the news was not well received by some on Capitol Hill and in the Treasury Dept.


Compounding that implied threat was the addition of a new loan condition not found in the statute. To be eligible, applicants now needed to certify that they had considered using “other sources of liquidity.”



Congress and the administration provided a needed life preserver to employers whose companies were threatened by the economic storm. But unfortunately for many construction firms, federal agencies keep pulling that lifeline away.

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