The U.S. Dept. of Energy has launched a program to help domestic companies demonstrate advanced nuclear reactors. Through cost-shared partnerships with industry, its Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program will provide $160 million for initial funding to build two reactors that can be operational within five to seven years.

Advanced reactors are defined as any light water or non-light water fission reactor with significant improvements over the current generation of operational reactors in the U.S. fleet, such as inherent safety features, lower waste yields or increased thermal efficiency. DOE’s funding opportunity is intended to be technology-neutral.

An advanced fission nuclear power reactor of any capacity that is licensable and commercially viable may be proposed for award consideration.

in addition to the two reactors, the program will engage the National Reactor Innovation Center at DOE's Idaha National Laboratory to assess technologies and "move these reactors from blueprints to reality," says DOE.

Click herefor more detail on obtaining funding.