New COVID-19 restrictions are already affecting the craft worker pipeline, forcing many apprenticeship and training programs to be shuttered or severely limited. Programs are turning to online resources, on-the-job training and socially distanced classes to continue critical workforce development.

In Washington, training programs are reopening after the state issued new safety rules for higher education in early May, says David D’Hondt, executive vice president of the Associated General Contractors chapter. Apprenticeship enrollment was at an all-time high before the shutdown in March, he notes.

项目现在必须弄清楚w to follow guidelines, such as 6-ft distancing, in classrooms and training areas. “There will be a bottleneck in trying to move people along,” he says. Training leaders also anticipate fewer graduates “because you won’t be able to fit as many people into classrooms.” D’Hondt, a state apprenticeship council member, says adjudicative hearings, required to apply for apprentice programs, have been delayed.

Imperative to Restart

该州最古老的持续运行建设预先学习计划,并重新约会到1980年,必须在3月23日关闭,希望在6月1日开始重启“与Covid 19政策到位”,“执行董事Karen Dove说。“我们一直在转换为部分在线培训,但我们的教师和员工的学习曲线一直很困难。”她说。“由于其他优先事项,由于住院,在华盛顿保持健康指令,我们失去了培训中间的学生。”

Dove says "it is imperative we get [apprentice programs] up and running! Without them, there is no place for our graduates to go! We have graduates lining up waiting for applications to be accepted again. I also think it will be important because the [COVID-19] changes may cause some of the older workers to finally retire instead of adapting. which will create opportunities for new workers."

The Northern California Carpenters Regional Council typically would have hundreds of apprentices at its five main training centers, but those were shut down in mid-March. Augie Beltran, council spokesman, says the group worked with the parent international union’s training center to create programs that follow federal virus guidelines, but there’s no in-person training now at its centers. The council shifted to some online education and testing that would otherwise be in classrooms but looks to jobsites for hands-on training. “There’s going to be a lot more in-field training now,” he says.

在新泽西州,及第一型的国际联盟g Engineers large Local 825 suspended its March and April training, and “we’re looking at how to ramp up a Google classroom and Zoom webinars,” says business manager Greg Lalevee. “But it’s not the way we’re used to it. You can’t jump on the [machine’s] running board anymore to help a student.”



The school is prioritizing students who are close to graduating. Indoor classes that once held 12 to 15 students could be reduced to less than 10, with staggered times. Six-ft-by-six-ft areas can be taped off for social distancing with plastic sheets, where necessary. “We have to convert all of our labs to meet social distancing,” he adds. “We can’t continue to do stuff online and feel comfortable they are getting the training they need.”

Due to the job market downturn, the college expects enrollment requests to rise, but with a limit in class sizes. “We expect to see a 10% to 15% enrollment drop, while our waitlists will be longer,” says Barry.


Ariz,Coolidge Countion Collegions Collegica College,能够在春天举行试点计划,以测试新指南的使用,说James Busch,熟练的行业和劳动力发展主任。课堂工作在线移动,从室内实验室到室外空间移动了动手培训。课程仅限于十,包括教师。学生在交错时间显示在课堂上,以便于简报和健康检查。所有培训完成后,所有设备都必须消毒。

结果,四小时长的课程只能容纳大约三小时的教学时间,布希说。“这导致教师走出他们的舒适区一点点,并更加舒适地与交付训练的不同方式变得更加舒适,”他说。“我认为这将使他们在未来的讲师更好 - 能够利用这些技能来消除这么多课程,而不是在实验室中。”

After the Minnesota-North Dakota Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Training Center in New Hope, Minn., closed in mid-March, apprentices could finish required classroom training online, although some still need field hours, says Barry Blazevic, manager of operations. His main concern now is its pre-apprenticeship program. The six-week eight-hours-per day intensive program was two weeks in when the center closed.
