For engineering and construction groups, new federal guidance for forgivable loans less than $2 million under the Paycheck Protection Program was welcome news. The guidelines, which the Treasury Dept. and Small Business Administration issued on May 13, deal with how borrowers certify compliance with PPP requirements so they won’t face federal audit or reviews.


The agencies also moved to May 18 the deadline for companies to repay PPP loans if they don’t think they are in compliance with program requirements. AGC initially sought PPP guidance changes in an April 29 letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

AGC说,5月13日的国库SBA指令将有助于保留许多工作。联合建筑商和承包商立法事务总监彼得·康斯托克(Peter Comstock)表示,指导“当然可以解决公司是否需要退还钱以及多快的紧迫性。”

In another PPP action, the agencies on May 15 released an application form and instructions for PPP loan recipients to use in applying for loan forgiveness. But Brian Turmail, an AGC spokesman, said the new form “doesn’t provide the flexibility or clarity our members continue to seek when it comes to forgivable costs.” He added, “The application is like an unmarked highway—there is no indication of what route borrowers should follow.”

ABC’s Comstock said the new application and information represent “a step forward.” But Comstock added that “there still remain unanswered questions from our federal agencies and further clarification and guidance are much needed to ensure effective relief for our small businesses.”

But he said there still are questions about April 28 guidelines that require PPP applicants to take into account “their ability to access other sources of liquidity.” Comstock said it’s unclear whether those sources include existing lines of credit or access to capital markets.

国会在3月27日签署了冠状病毒援助,救济和经济安全或关怀法案中创建了PPP。该法律有3490亿美元的贷款计划,该计划旨在帮助小公司 - 少于500名工人的小公司(Cope) -COVID-19大流行的财务负担。SBA于4月3日推出了PPP,但在13天内用光了钱。国会在4月24日制定的后续法案中增加了311亿美元。

ACEC发言人杰夫·乌尔班库克(Jeff Urbanchuk)说:“从我们的角度来看,[5月13日指南]是澄清大量贷款接收者的好第一步,他们在PPP贷款申请上遵守了好信仰认证测试。”

But Urbanchuk said that ACEC also wants SBA to ensure that firms with larger loans can still certify for them based on the information that was available when they applied for the loans.
