With a focus on customized delivery methods, CannonDesign is employing its expertise in adaptability to meet evolving client needs—from finding forward-looking solutions to meet new COVID-19 standards to designing the country’s first-of-its-kind transitional campus to treat the substantial vulnerable and homeless population of Los Angeles.

With offices in Irvine, Calif., Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, CannonDesign’s 2019 regional revenue in California and Hawaii jumped 18% in 2019 to $37.8 million, in part due to major health care projects in California, including the $110-million Oroville Hospital Tower Addition and the Thompson Autism Center at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County. While health care accounted for 37% of the firm’s regional revenue, 42% came from education work.

Cannondesign综合服务总监Praful Kulkarni将公司的成功归功于其中心目标:使用不同的交付方法创建多样化的模型,具体取决于所有者的喜好和项目需求。

“The reason we believe we can do something that is unique is because of our integrated services model,” says Kulkarni, also the founder of Gkkworks, a customized design firm acquired by CannonDesign two years ago. That model allows for flexibility in altering plans through innovation and for continual client collaboration with designers, constructors and engineers.



Modular Design


“不仅在受控的环境中,您有机会产生高质量的模块,然后节省网站上的时间 - 而不是进行棒构建构造,而是通过将这些模块进来并插入一个及时减少施工时间范围。”库尔卡尼说。他说,该公司正在考虑在南加州开设制造商店。



– Praful Kulkarni, Director of Integrated Services, CannonDesign

The campus hosts two key facilities: a four-story, 96-bed recuperative care center for persons discharged from an inpatient hospital who lack a supportive place to live. The other is a 64-bed, four-building residential treatment program that serves as a short-term alternative to hospitalization for mental health needs.

Jo Ann Yanagimoto-Pinedo, deputy director of strategic initiatives for the Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental Health (DMH), oversees the county’s restorative care projects and says CannonDesign met the challenge to design within a defined, landlocked space with requirements dictated by licensing. Another major challenge was earning buy-in from the community, which was initially reluctant to have a recovery center in the neighborhood.

“We really had to react and respond because the community wanted this to be a building that felt like part of their neighborhood and part of their culture, so we had to work that balance,” says David Hunt, CannonDesign’s Southern California health practice leader.



It also incorporated aspects of the hospital’s facade into the buildings’ street-facing exteriors. After the team visited neighborhood plazas and murals, they decided to ask local artists to create their works on metal panels in the interior courtyard.

亨特说:“这是一种有趣的融合 - 反映了南加州大学历史和内部反映邻近文化的外表。”施工文件目前已在城市允许的情况下,建设定于6月,并于2021年3月完成。

“They’ve been incredibly participatory, and it requires a certain amount of patience to work with the community, not in a negative sense, but being sensitive to people who may not have an architecture or health background, but also cultural sensitivity,” says Yanagimoto-Pinedo.





“All those kinds of things start to occur on the construction end, and that has an impact on efficiency,” Kulkarni says.

Cannondesign的校长克雷格·汉密尔顿(Craig Hamilton)专门从事教育项目,他说,由于金州著名的著名的公平天气和认为残疾和性别认同的障碍设计,加利福尼亚新利18备用网址州可能会更好地适应19日的住宿。这些设计已经导致了更宽的走廊,一次性浴室和连接建筑物和校园的户外露天空间。







“随着收入开始降低到州,县和地方政府,我们将对商业和公民方面产生影响,这还有待观察 - 我们正在为此做准备。我们认为这将是为期两年的障碍,可以回到我们目前的水平。”


“We are getting to see what people’s homes look like,” he says. The firm had already created a remote work-from-home plan in January. “Efficiency actually went up. We met some major deadlines.”