


Congress created the PPP in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act, which President Trump signed into law March 27. The law included $349 billion for the program, which aimed to assist small companies—those with fewer than 500 workers—cope with the financial burdens from the COVID-19 pandemic.


AGC, ACEC. ABC Reactions

尽管需要更加清晰,但美国首席执行官的联合承包商斯蒂芬·E·桑德尔(Stephen E. Sandherr)表示,新的国库SBA指令“显然将有助于节省许多工作。”


But Sandherr said the guidance “does leave several important questions unanswered, including about the timing and condition of those possible loan repayments.”

美国工程公司委员会发言人杰夫·乌尔班库克(Jeff Urbanchuk)通过电子邮件说:“从我们的角度来看,这是澄清大量贷款接收者的第一步应用。”



But 96% of ACEC firms with PPP loans with a workforce or 200 or more said their loan amount exceeded $2 million, according to the survey.

立法事务的关联建筑商和承包商主任彼得·康斯托克(Peter Comstock)说:“我认为[指导]无疑解决了公司可能是否需要退还这笔钱的某些紧迫性。”

Comstock said in an interview that ABC has heard from some member companies with loans of $2 million or less that see the new guidance as beneficial, adding, “It addresses a lot of their concerns.”


To gain full forgiveness for the loan, borrowers must only spend the proceeds on certain items, such as payroll, rent and utility costs, with 75% of the loan dollars going to payroll.

Comstock说,关于4月28日发布的指导方针的问题仍然是PPP贷款要求。特别是,他引用了一项规定,申请人必须考虑“他们获得其他流动性来源的能力”。他说,目前尚不清楚“流动性来源”是否包括信贷额度或进入资本市场的东西。[查看Enr新利18备用 5/1/2020的故事关于4月28日指南引起的担忧这里]。

As of late afternoon May 13, SBA reported it had approved about 2.7 million loans totaling $192.6 billion in the second round of PPP.

Rubio supports new approach

财政部和SBA的前一天发布了新的指令,参议院小企业委员会主席Marco Rubio(R-FLA。)是Paycheck Protection计划的主要建筑师,为200万美元的Threshold方法提供了支持。

Rubio told Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza in5月12日的信件,“我将支持一项广泛的声明,即将假定所有贷款都将是真诚地申请的。”

Rubio also suggested a test for those with loans of $2 million or more. He wrote to Mnuchin and Carranza that if borrowers at that level demonstrate that they didn't lay off workers they should be presumed to have taken the loan in good faith.

