
在过去的十年中,JB&B团队从曼哈顿的一名以项目为中心的MEP顾问的核心扩展,以扮演更为实质性的咨询角色,该角色可以通过创新的解决方案适应客户需求。现在领导该公司的三个管理合作伙伴 - 弗兰克,沃尔特·梅尔(Walter Mehl Jr.)和马克·托雷(Mark Torre),看到了两个主要领域,其专业知识将达到最大需求:可持续设计和技术创新。梅尔说:“有时候我们不愿写我们想要成为的人的脚本。”“如果在最初的100年中,我们主要是一家MEP设计公司,那么在第二百年中,我们将成为一家服务公司,提供许多其他服务,这些服务可以解决我们的客户所需的需求。”

With its focus on clients’ future design requirements for everything from green buildings to COVID-19 pandemic-spurred office space hygiene—and its role in major projects, including The Shed, ENR New York’s Project of the Year last year—JB&B was selected as the magazine’s Design Firm of the Year for 2020.

Sustainable design has been a main focus, with clients asking JB&B to be their go-to partner for solutions, Mehl says. New York City property owners must build strategies that move toward a municipal 2050 target of reducing carbon emissions by 80%.


弗兰克说:“ [可持续发展]是我们非常关注的领域,并且在其中大量存在。”“我们预计这将成为我们实践的很大一部分。”

JB&Balso has cultivated a culture of technology innovation—adopting pioneering tools as well as developing advanced systems and smart building components, Torre says. It is using that prowess to help clients determine their own technology needs, he says. “We see our clients’ future need for more technology services” such as cybersupport and digital infrastructure, he notes.

美国工程委员会纽约工程委员会总裁兼首席执行官杰伊·西姆森(Jay Simson)说,JB&B的重点是应有的,因为工程师必须在技术和可持续发展计划中“处于最重要的游戏”。

“You constantly need to be educating yourself, staying on the leading edge, or someone else will step in,” he says.


JB&B’s pivot to broader client challenges builds on a history of innovating on high-profile projects, Frank says, such as being the first MEP firm to design a sprinkler system for a high-rise building—a feat achieved at the Sears Tower in Chicago, the world’s tallest tower when it opened in 1973. The firm also designed the first high-speed elevators in the original World Trade Center in New York City several years earlier.

“In our DNA, there is an innate interest in solving new problems,” Frank says. Another pillar of JB&B’s culture is that many professionals have spent their entire careers there, he says. And today’s managing partners view themselves as stewards of the company, leading it to the next generation, Torre adds.




“分布式”还可以描述JB&B的项目广度,这在2019年的收入范围为7,050万美元,商业广告的最大价值为2020万美元。它在医疗保健,多单元住宅,政府,零售,非营利组织和研究设施方面也具有重要的影响力。Notable projects include Memorial Sloan Kettering’s David H. Koch Center for Cancer Care, a 23-story high-tech facility that opened last year, and the 1.7-million-sq-ft One Vanderbilt mixed-use tower nearing completion in midtown Manhattan, which has extensive sustainable design features.

“The JB&B team developed a sensible and economical state-of-the art MEP design for [One Vanderbilt], with added sustainability features that have contributed to the building’s LEED Platinum and WELL certifications,” says Edward Piccinich, chief operating officer of its developer SL Green. “This innovation is evident throughout the design—from secondary backup systems like our cogeneration plant, condenser, hot water and electrical systems to our rainwater collection system.”

行业领导力是另一个关键特征,JB&B员工为许多行业组织服务。Mehl是大纽约市ACE导师计划的董事会成员;米切尔·简单(Mitchel Simple),合伙人兼执行合伙人名誉,是今年的国家ACEC主席;同事合伙人安东尼·蒙塔尔托(Anthony Montalto)是人居局纽约分会的委员会。



一个典型的例子是该公司的解决方案“end the thermostat wars” in open-plan office designs —an initiative that Gabriel Peschiera, JB&B director of smart buildings, described last fall at the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s 10th World Congress in Chicago. His presentation outlined a “personal thermal preference” system to address a top office complaint—that spaces are too hot or too cold—by allowing occupants as close as 5 ft apart to set their own air conditions via a web browser while still meeting aesthetic, cost and energy use criteria.

JB&Bis moving ahead as an active stakeholder in manufacturing personal air delivery products in that vein, Frank says.

JB&B还是Thrux的主要合作伙伴,Thrux是一家MEP“设计环境”初创公司,该公司于去年由该公司的两位前工程师Michael Taglione和Haley Neiman推出。该软件平台允许用户快速计算项目设计中更改的成本和含义,以比较不同的选项;自动化手动任务;以及工程师使用的简化电子表格,制图和绘制工具。托雷说,JB&B不仅投资了THRUX,而且还使用该系统进行电气和一些机械流程,并计划将其扩展到整个公司中。


It’s also a way to anticipate the future, Frank says. “Some people joke that we’re designing our own obsolescence,” he says. “We like to be out in front.”

JB&B还是BIM计划中虚拟现实软件的早期用户,利用了LERA咨询结构工程师开发的沉浸式平台。LERA的副合伙人道格·冈萨雷斯(DougGonzález)表示:“ LERA已与JB&B合作,开展了许多新的和翻新的医疗保健和热电联产项目,在那里他们一直在寻找如何利用可靠的先新利18备用网址进技术来为客户的利益而利用可靠的先进技术。”


The willingness to meet client needs has pulled JB&B toward growth opportunities and its building teams to deliver new services. It’s a strategy that industry leaders pursue, ACEC’s Simson says.

他说:“关键要素之一是与您的客户合作,成为值得信赖的顾问,成为工程超越工程的资源。”“ JB&B一直是一家领先的公司,他们竭尽全力更具创造力。”


That has led JB&B to build out specialties in information technology, cybersecurity, audio-visual, smart building and other consulting areas, Mehl says. It also has developed capabilities on its core MEP teams to support construction partners, manufacturers or consultants as needed, he says. “We can be more amorphous and flexible,” he adds.

Those cumulative efforts have fueled JB&B’s growth from 200 staff members early last decade to 300 now. “Some of that talent is born within our teams, and some of it is going out to the industry to bring in the right people,” Mehl says.


JB&B’s versatility served it well as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the region in March, not only shifting smoothly to work from home, but also joining other industry firms to design temporary field hospitals, including 1,028 beds at Stony Brook University, 1,024 at SUNY Old Westbury and 200 at Van Cortland Park in the Bronx.

But the shutdown has directly impacted the firm’s work. JB&B has several projects that stopped construction and are only starting to come back, with their future uncertain for now, Torre says.



JB&Bis also fielding requests from clients about how to recover from the coronavirus pandemic shutdown’s economic shock and the real estate implications of social distancing and enhanced hygiene. Torre and a colleague are on an ad-hoc industry committee hashing through the new reality, he says.

“We have a group of engineers and architects … meeting to discuss how we’re going to get people back to work safely,” Torre says. “There are a lot of questions in real estate that need to be answered.”

纽约大会代表大会主席兼首席执行官卡洛·西苏拉(Carlo Scissura)表示,JB&B等工程公司将为未来的标准做出巨大的贡献。他说:“当我们看待不同的工作时,他们将发挥关键作用。”“现在,这不仅是气候变化,而且还为我们的工作方式设计而设计。”

但是,就像2012年的Superstorm Sandy一样,JB&B帮助恢复了建筑物和重建基础设施的权力,该公司将为即将到来的浪潮做好准备。他说:“我们有危机中的客户,要求需要做些什么才能重新占领他们的空间。”“在接下来的几周中,这将是一个非常活跃的过程。”