对于在纽约ENR纽约和新英格兰覆盖的各州工作的工程和建筑公司,今年顶级设计公司排名中的强劲收入也提供了乐观的态度,即使Covid-19乌云笼罩了新利18备用该行业的经济未来。在2019年的合并收入中,公司在任一部分或两个地区的名单上排名十亿。今年纽约 - 新泽西州名单上的95家公司报告的收入总计56.6亿美元。新英格兰的59家排名第59家公司报告2019年的收入为2400亿美元,纳入康涅狄格州,缅因州,马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州,罗德岛和佛蒙特州的收入。

The combined $1.30 billion posted by the top 10 firms in this year’s New England survey fell by 7.69% from $1.41 billion the year before. On the other hand, the 10 highest-ranking companies on the New York survey saw combined 2019 revenue jump 8% to $2.71 billion from $2.51 billion in 2018. The three top firms on the current New York list are repeats from last year: AECOM, which logged $611.84 million; WSP USA, reporting $488.40 million; and Parsons, whose revenue was $241.80 million.

新英格兰的highest-ran有更多变化king firms. AECOM reclaimed the top spot with $222.26 million. But Burns & McDonnell fell five slots from its top position last year, with revenue of $121.66 million. Stantec, ENR New England’s 2020 Design Firm of the Year (see p. NYNE34), was No. 2 with $194.21 million in revenue. ENR New York’s 2020 Design Firm of the Year, Jaros, Baum & Bolles (see p. NYN24), ranked 25th with $67.43 million in revenue.

ENR New York 2021 Top Design Firms


Interviewees’ responses have been edited for space and clarity.

How is COVID-19 impacting your firm?

Tom Jackmin, New England region manager, VHB:在新英格兰,我们正在密切关注有关以运输为重点的刺激法案(在华盛顿特区)进行的讨论,并与客户合作以识别铲子就绪的项目。新利18备用网址创意客户正在利用低利率和资产使用量减少,以加速其原本停滞的项目的建设,以加强当地经济并减少项目积压。新利18备用网址我们看到,在大多数地方(认为是]基本活动的大多数地方,运输项目的建设都在继续。新利18备用网址我们确实期望与命令相对于劳动和物流问题造成的效率低下和潜在延迟。

Yu&Associates的创始人Peter Yu:More than half of our ongoing projects have been shut, postponed or canceled. Proposal volume has come down by over 16%, comparing the monthly average in 2019 with March 2020. As we had employees returning from China in mid-January and early February, we were particularly … cognizant about the coronavirus. We put in place a self-quarantine policy for staff returning from overseas travel or exhibiting symptoms of sickness starting in January; issued our in-house COVID-19 plan and guidance in early March; began our work remotely from home practice in mid-March after setting up logistics and technology infrastructure; and, anticipating a slowdown on billable project work, developed potential in-house projects that would be beneficial to the firm’s long-term practice.

城市和可持续房地产总监兼波士顿办公室负责人Brian Swett:Arup:在纽约和新英格兰地区immediate impact was in rapidly shifting to a work from home environment while continuing to deliver our design and engineering services on our project schedules without missing a beat. In Massachusetts, the cities of Boston, Somerville and Cambridge shut down all construction projects for an undetermined amount of time … but the governor declared that construction was an essential business and continued major state-funded capital projects. New York state halted all nonessential construction, but it allowed infrastructure projects to continue. Many other construction sites were shuttered, although most recently, a number of projects that initially shut down have started to reopen.

What are major trends?

YU:In the New York region, they include bundled projects [that] are larger in scale and more alternative delivery projects such as design-build and P3 projects. Risk is being pushed down from the agencies to the smallest firms involved in larger critical infrastructure projects. One example is increased professional liability insurance limits, from $2 million a year ago to $5 million now as standard, with certain projects requiring up to $25 million and above. And as we come out of this COVID-19 pandemic, engineers are being tasked with identifying innovative ideas to meet challenges our industry faces.

Swett:In Boston, we have seen some clients who were very early in building development projects push pause and others moving forward more quickly in anticipation of being ready for possible stimulus money. In New York, we are seeing a continued volume of RFPs but a change in scale and a shift in focus.

Paul Skinner, Northeast design regional leader and senior associate, CRB:与前几年相比,我们看到对设计建设项目执行的接受程度增加。

Which sectors have offered the biggest opportunities?

VHB首席执行官Mike Carragher:尽管Covid-19在我们的市场,服务和地区都有不同的影响,但我们……正在与客户积极合作,以确定可能源于这一大流行的机会。交通量很低,但是有些客户正在使用此机会来提高维护和“良好维修”项目,这些项目在道路,机场和运输设施全部运行时难以实现。新利18备用网址公共和私人[客户]花了这段时间来清除维护积压。






Steve McElligott, transportation market leader, VHB:Hospitality, restaurants, entertainment and retail have been deemed nonessential and therefore hit especially hard.

What key innovations helped you boost productivity or other metrics?




YU:Last year, we implemented cloud storage to enhance project communication and allow real-time transmission of technical data between the field and the office. We also implemented Newforma software to facilitate project management and client communication. The use of Bluebeam, Revit, BIM and 3D modeling programs has provided us with the ability to seamlessly transfer documents … and maintain quality standards.


Where do you see the industry headed in the next year?

YU:We foresee that the critical infrastructure market will return quickly with an influx of stimulus money for projects in the New York region. Lower ridership across modes of transportation affords the industry an opportunity to be innovative and to move forward with difficult projects now that were too disruptive before. This means faster project completion times and reduced costs.


Swett:We may be experiencing a change to our entire economic system and in our industry unlike anything we have seen in generations. There will still be tremendous needs for engineers to design a more resilient and sustainable built environment and infrastructure systems … but how we do that work is set to change significantly. Our advanced analytics allow us to model how air flows or to configure social distancing in spaces.