City Grill

John OsborneJohn Osborne

“We’re in the non-metallic mining activity market, and we are coming out of a time where demand in the frac sand market and the demand for the Great North American white frac sand, Cambrian sandstone out of Wisconsin and Minnesota, had diminished substantially,” Osborne says. “But the aggregate non-metallic demand has gone up continually over the last 24 months, to where there’s significant imbalance. There is a need for permitting of new aggregate and limestone mining operations, which end up being crushing operations for asphalt plants.”

Firm in Focus

20900 Swenson Dr., Ste. 1500, Waukesha, Wis.
CEO:Patrick Sheehan
Recent project:GZA is in the late stages of an in situ thermal remediation project in the Grafton, Wis., area just north of Milwaukee.